

Indian police seized a Bitcoin ATM

The exchange of Fiat in crypto-currencies is in India since 3. July is prohibited. Due to the still high demand for the...

SIM swap: How to hack millions via cellular providers were able to steal

On 15. August, the American Investor, Michael Terpin handed in a 195-million-Euro lawsuit against AT&T. He believes that the telecommunications giant hackers...

Telegram digital resistance: The Open Network and Russia’s attack

your Telegram was of the currencies as the "most popular Messaging App for Crypto" of various media services, including Forbes Magazine. 84...

Spain remains a Prime example of Blockchain-optimism on all levels

On 17. September, reported Europa Press, the Autonomous community of Aragon, a communities of Spain's 17 Autonomous communities, has signed a contract...

White Russian Silicon Valley: Why are not everyone in tax-free ICOs?

officially on the 28. March, in white Russia. The document signals a new departure for the country, and facilitates any type of...

Tax fraud: Spanish government wants mandatory reporting for crypto-assets

The Spanish government plans to require investors in the future, your crypto-equipment at home and abroad for tax purposes. A corresponding bill...

Bitcoin: the crypto-currency soon with the stock market?

Bitcoin is decreasing in its volatility steadily. Were a year ago, fluctuations in the Bitcoin price in the double-digit range not uncommon,...

Ravencoin: Bitcoin Fork rises about 270 percent

The Bitcoin Fork Ravencoin to put in the last seven days to over 200 percent. One of the many Shitcoins or the...

Circle CEO Allaire: „We need a global regulatory framework for crypto-industry“

The managing Director of the crypto Start-ups Circle, Jeremy Allaire, requires States with a world-wide set of rules for the crypto industry....



Provinz Live Performance at Festwiese in Ladenburg

In August 2021, the band Provinz performed at the Festwiese in Ladenburg, and they are set to return on August 30, 2025, to present...

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