your Telegram was of the currencies as the „most popular Messaging App for Crypto“ of various media services, including Forbes Magazine. 84 percent of all Blockchain-based projects reported a active Telegram-community.

Since a few days, Telegram is affected by a spell of Russia against Internet service providers. It started with the refusal message, the encryption information on Russia’s security services.

The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov on the record that there is no significant drop in usage and Engagement on the platform since the beginning of the ban list. In fact, users were able to circumvent the ban on VPNs. Durov has also stressed that he operated the resistant individuals, and VPN companies want to make millions in Bitcoin, for their “digital resistance”, as he calls it.

Telegrams founding, its inventors and users,

the Telegram was founded in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov from Russia. Previously, the two created a „Russian Facebook“ by the name of VKontakte. In 2014, however, sold and left the company due to crashing with the government in terms of privacy and freedom of expression of the users.

Telegram reported in February 2016, and 100 million active users per month. Recently it became known that this number has now climbed to 200 million.

According to the data on the token market, Telegram has more ICO-discussion groups than any other news application, as the below Graph of Telegrams ICO added white paper.

image source: telegram ICO-Whitepaper page 12

The number of Telegram supporters of crypto projects, as well as the growth rate of the community is used as the success metric of investors. Some of the projects have reached the Limit of 50,000 followers and a second group founded.

telegram Open network (TON) will be the Sprugbrett for „The Open Network“ and 2021, the Name will be abandoned „Telegram,“ then, as is clear from the white paper.

„Until 2021 will be implemented, the basic Vision and architecture of SOUND, and used. SOUND is then the „Telegram“-Element in his name, to fall and to be „The Open Network“.“

telegram ICO-objectives, funding rounds and generated buzz

In his white paper, Telegram identified several challenges for the General adaptation of Blockchain technologies and Cryptocurrencies are: scalability, the complexity for the average user, as well as the availability of goods and services that can be purchased with crypto and sold.

Due to the fact that the Telegram could not identify any existing Blockchain platform that would enable the rise of crypto-currencies into the Mainstream in 2018, it was decided to design an own Blockchain platform that meets these requirements.

so Far, Telegram has held two provisional ICO-rounds with a volume of 690 million euros, which generated together is around 1.38 bn euros, although the number of participants was below 100. A third of ICO-round may be considered, and could retract if Telegram decides to implement, a record sum of 2.1 billion euros.

The team of developers will retain 4 percent of the tokens with a 4-year lock-up period, while 52 per cent of the tokens, Hiking in the SOUND-Reserve and 44 per cent for investors. It is expected that investors will receive the SOUND-tokens (Grams) in the fourth quarter of 2018.

It should be noted that some prominent investors have decided not to participate in the project, such as in various articles it was mentioned.

SOUND vs. Alternatives

so Far, the largest ICOs were the Filecoin (nearly 209 million Euro), Tezos (€188.4 million million Euro) and Polkadot (118 million Euro). The technical TONE of the Whitepaper is on a comparable level with other projects.

image source: telegram technical ICO-Whitepaper, page 74

According to the white paper, SOUND presents itself as a „5. Generation“ of the Blockchain. Telegram is planning to build with the ICO, a similar Blockchain-a platform, such as Polkadot, and not just a better App. Telegram user base with over 200 million active users currently could help to place these new Blockchain-platform from the beginning successful in the market.

Polkadot, in addition to EOS and the Cosmos as a 4. Blockchain-Generation occurs, generated a total of approximately 118 million euros, while SOUND in two point of sale rounds already at 1.38 billion euros collected. An interesting topic will be the innovations that can develop TONE with the help of such sums.

the Russian ban

The currently in Dubai-based Telegram-Team is set by the Russian Federal security service (FSB) under pressure , which is the sharing of encryption calls for information.

the Telegram has filed a lawsuit against the decision, and since the founders were forced to sell their first company after the loss of a legal dispute with the Russian government, the situation is particularly precarious. The main advantages of the Telegram offers its users, are privacy and security; if you provide the encryption information, would be compromised the private information.

Russia is the only country that requests access to the encrypted messages; Also, Iran has asked in the last few months, information and a Blockade of the various channels required. Iran’s interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli claimed that the abuse of social networks such as Telegram, by certain individuals of concern for the „violence and fear“ and emphasized that „such a behavior is destroyed.“ Durows reply on Twitter:

recently it became known that Russia is threatened now the ban in the face of the encryption debate against Telegram realized. Russia recorded only 7 percent of the Telegram user base, but it is important for Durov, as it is his home country and the ban could go ahead of a real battle for the freedom of expression.

However, due to its importance in the cryptographic community as the most popular messages service that its 200 million active users and its function as a success metric for investors, it is probably difficult for Russia to ban the Telegram actually.

telegram founder Durov confirmed the ban Recently on his official Telegram of the channel and stressed the importance of VPNs.

„in Spite of the ban, we have, as yet, no call can determine the values decrease in the user engagement, as Russians tend to work around the ban with VPN and Proxies. We rely on third party Cloud services for our users remain partially available. to support

To Internet freedoms in Russia and elsewhere, I started of individuals and organizations that operate socks5 Proxies and VPN, Bitcoin-grants. I am happy to donate this year, millions of dollars for this thing and hope that other people will follow. I have called the digital resistance – a decentralised movement, which stands for digital freedoms worldwide progress. „

How to deal with the Blockade

There are various methods to bypass the ban:


Proxies are the first Option, which gives users anonymity by hiding behind their IP. However, they do not protect the data through encryption of Internet Service providers (ISPs).


VPNs enable this privacy from ISPs. The potential Problem with traditional VPNs is that users shift their trust from their ISPs to centralized VPNs. These VPNs keep users information that you could give, on request, to a government or law enforcement authority.


Therefore, decentralized VPNs (dVPNs) are the next step for user anonymity and privacy. Decentralized VPNs make use of Blockchain technologies and will be supported by renowned investors like Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz and Tim Draper, DFJ .

While Russia and Iran are trying to implement the spell of the app, you may experience strong resistance by users begin with the use of such Services as dVPNs.

apart from that, the gigantic sum which was generated from the Telegram by the two pre-sale round in the ICO, that the App has accumulated a lot of resources in order to improve their performance, and any Attempts to release the encryption can fend off data and a reference to the App means.

Digital resistance

Telegram plays a Central role in the crypto-society, which goes beyond ensuring the security and privacy of users. Even Edward Snowden, the message security model, previously criticised, is now supporting the resistance of the Messaging service against the limiting actions of the Russian government.

The spell might attract even more people from the crypto-community, because the Messenger has intensified its efforts to keep its users ‚ information anonymous and secure.