On 17. September, reported Europa Press, the Autonomous community of Aragon, a communities of Spain’s 17 Autonomous communities, has signed a contract with found some dead bodies – a Blockchain Ecosystem, consisting of more than 274 entities, including companies and institutions, designing Blockchain-based Tools in line with the legal frameworks of Spain and the European Union (EU).

the Blockchain is intended to improve the transparency and efficiency of the Administration, which will attract in reverse, business and investment. A week later, Federal employees decided to keep up with the national ministries of agriculture, fisheries and food, which want to use the Blockchain technology in forestry, step.

with respect to such developments Spain continues to be a unique example of optimistic legislations for crypto and use cases of Blockchain. The leading bankers, politicians and state officials of the country to pursue acting unanimously on the possibilities that can offer DLT.

Northern regions lead the process of

What would the constellation of found some dead bodies in the framework of the Treaty, the Autonomous Region of Aragon? The „block chain“ of public services, such As Fernando Gimeno, the adviser for Finance and public administration in the Aragonese government said, will bring the technology, transparency and efficiency in the Administration, what is important to the company and to attract inward investment.

He added that employees of the regional Administration will be trained to work with the technology to make their „enormous potential“. The signing of the contract is only the first step in a series of activities, planned by the government of Aragon until the end of the year; as, for example, training and consulting events, in order to identify more useful applications of the Blockchain for the government.

The neighboring Catalonia, a Autonomous community in the North – West of Spain, but with a remarkable economy and separatist tendencies revealed its plans for the implementation of the Blockchain technology in the public administration activity in July. Also, the aim is „to improve digital services to the Public and to promote the potential of the technology between administrators, companies, and the [citizens]“.

According to the press report needs to Catalonia’s Department of digital policy develop a Plan for the incorporation of Blockchain Tech in all areas of public Administration until the end of 2018. The success of the project is particularly important for the newly elected Catalan government, the want to not let it take, to rule the rival Madrid „anticipated“.

Alex Sicart Ramos, a Spanish Tech-Prodigy and Name on the Forbes list „30 under 30“ was the largest part of the Blockchain Implementation that Catalonia could help with his business, DNS, and cold conflicts with Federal authorities: for Example, that all citizens could be encrypted information, and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is mounted, in order to avoid censorship and to control access. The perfect way to access this information could be run on a digital ID card, which is digital access to all of the Catalan E-services (a similar System is already implemented in Estonia).

Spanish banks to take on the adaptation race part

In April 2017, the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), the second largest Bank in Spain, according to the administration, assets and capitalisation, the first global Bank, which Blockchain technology for the entire process to Send a loan has been used for over 75 million Euro.

BBVAs CEO Carlos Torres said: „that Blockchain technology is Mature enough“ and in the future, with great challenges could be faced. However, under the BBVA wrote in July, a Blockchain-based loan of 100 million euros for the civil engineering company ACS Group. Previously, the Bank had signed in June, a further, Blockchain-based agreement with Repsol, one of the world’s leading Oil and gas company, to renew a line of credit of 325 million euros.

The last described action was no accident – Rapsol and BBVA had signed an agreement for the development of Blockchain-based solutions with various Blockchain-technologies – in particular Hyper Ledger and the Ethereum test network for the area Corporate Banking. Nuria Ávalos, Director of the Blockchain and the Digital Experimentation in the case of Repsol, welcomed the cooperation:

„Repsol wants to actively participate in collaborative environments. The Blockchain is a disruptive technology that needs to be preserved. The agreement with BBVA pushing ahead with our strategy of digitization in all areas of our activities. „

One of BBVAs closest competitor, Banco Santander, is familiar with the Blockchain. Santander was the first company that used the technology for investors-Voting. The Bank teamed up with Broadridge Financial Solutions, a US based service company for the electronic data, process adjustments, to an investor vote at its annual Assembly on 23. To design March.

at the beginning of April Santander confirmed the launch of a Ripple-powered Blockchain payment network. One Pay FX, which is currently available through iTunes, is the first mobile application for international payments of Blockchain technology. The APP, which can currently transfer only Euros in the countries of the Euro-zone and US Dollars in America, shows the transfer of customers, the total cost of your payment, including Bank fees and exchange rates, as well as a delivery rate.

But apparently this is only the beginning: In July, the company announced the creation of a Blockchain-research teams, to investigate the potential of the technology for changes in the trading with securities. The Digital Investment Banking Team, which is headed by the current head of Santander’s Blockchain laboratory, will explore the „use of tokenized securities in the debt capital market, derivatives, and other products“.

Neither Banco Santander nor BBVA work together with the banks consortium Niuron, but this makes them no less influential. Niuron was founded in 2017, and the official website describes it as „the first Blockchain-a consortium of the Spanish financial sector.“ To belong to the consortium Abanca, Bankia, Caixabank, Caixa Ontinyent, Ibercaja, Kutxabank, Liberbank, Unicaja Banco, and Cecebank. According to a Report based on asset Management and capitalisation Caixabank 2017 was the third largest Bank in Spain. Ibercaja, Kutxabank and Abanca belong to the leading 10 in the country.

The banking group is reportedly planning the creation of a Blockchain platform until the end of the year 2018 with the aim of developing a Blockchain-technology-based System to identify clients who open a Bank account and save it. Once the platform is completed, the customer data between the banks and the financial institutions shared. While the digital identification is a seemingly simple, it must also comply with the recent EU data protection regulations (GDPR) and modern safety standards.

Niuron is convinced that the new Blockchain platform to improve the speed of operations, as well as fraud and money laundering prevention. Customers benefit from the platform, inasmuch as the time required for the registration process, is reduced and you get more control over your personal data.

the Left and the Conservative clubs for Blockchain

On the 30. May, the Spanish Congress unanimously supported a draft law of the currencies, a positive impact on Blockchain technology and Crypto in the country will have an impact. Due to the lack of a control framework, calls the draft a Review of the regulations against Bitcoin and Altcoin and Blockchain – and suggests that the technology on the Spanish market through „controlled test environments“, which are often described as „regulatory sand boxes“.

In the Wake of the hearing, the Congress also agreed to promote Blockchain as a cost-efficient and disinter-media System for payments and Transfers, which, given the recent Pro-Blockchain-trends in the country is no Surprise. The draft proposes the cooperation of the government with the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) and the Bank of Spain in order to coordinate a common regulatory Position on crypto in the wider European context.

A month later, a new draft law was presented – this time from the ruling Partido Popular, which calls for the use of the Blockchain in the public Administration of Spain. It was not the first crypto-friendly step, the center-Right party „Partido Popular“ – a party which, considered in February 2018, companies that use the Blockchain technology, tax relief. Surprisingly, the interest in the adaptation of DLT is shared also by the oppositional force: The left political coalition, Unidos Podemos, requested the government in August to explore the benefits of the Blockchain technology and to implement.

Unidos Podemos has proposed that the Spanish government set up a Committee for the investigation of the potential of the Blockchain technology and crypto-currency-regulation is responsible. Alberto Montero, the Deputy of the political Alliance, has registered according to Reports, the request to the house of Commons, together with an associated project plan.

The Blockchain-focused body could be public administrations, public authorities, public officials and industry joined unite experts. The Initiative wants to test the „enormous potential“ of Blockchain technology in terms of cost reductions for government operations and improved safety levels for social and economic transactions.

The Alliance suggested regulatory approaches for the use of crypto-currencies in Spain. According to the report, digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC) are currently „in the grey zone of Regulation“. The coalition also suggested, to support the policy on the outcomes of the European Commission in February 2018, launched in Blockchain Observatory and Forum of the EU.

This alignment is a non-partisan hospitality to the Blockchain may seem ironic, since the technology could have shown to play a crucial role in the future eradication of political corruption, still weighs heavily on the Spanish society, as recent scandals. The European Blockchain Observatory has already invested more than 80 million euros in various projects in this area. As a member of the European Blockchain-partnership, Spain, for the development of EU-wide Blockchain – and Artificial-intelligence applications, which can be used in the fight against corruption in the digital single market for the benefit of the public and private sector.

The most promising Blockchain applications are devoted to the registration and tracking of forwarded crypto-Asset transactions. With the support of the European Regional Development Fund a Spanish Blockchain company could be working transfer to an Ethereum-based Blockchain solution, with the party of legal/contractual ownership claims of crypto-Assets, the System reduces opportunities for fraud and manipulation, while at the same time accounting for digital transactions and the Tracking of information and digital assets without the need for an intermediary. The System should use for such contracts, a Public-Key infrastructure – for example, electronic time stamp, and certified electronic delivery services.

government bodies not to wait for the Implementation of the laws

Although a promise expressed in terms of the promotion of the Blockchain and Keep up with technological advances by many politicians, and then only empty words remain, have decided not a variety of Spanish government body to wait on the final laws, but to overthrow, instead of now in the adaptation.

Al 26. July, the Spanish Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE) and the Madrid School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT-UPM) announced a research partnership for the implementation of Blockchain in the area of Copyright Management. The two institutions have signed an agreement for over a year to do collaborative research, to build a digital platform to Copyright Management, which is used in addition to the Blockchain, also Big Data, machine Learning, and AI. José Miguel Fernández Sastrón, the President of the SGAE, said:

„The main lines of research will focus on disruptive technologies that address the challenges, which from the extent of the diversity and the dynamics of changes in the use of the content in today’s digital environment.“

The latest Entwinding originates from the Spanish Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food, what is the Blockchain technology in the forestry sector want to apply. The aim of the operation group with the name chain wood is to improve the traceability and efficiency of Wood available in Spain by the Blockchain is implemented in the logistics industry.

At the Moment, the group consists of 8 partners from various regions of Spain, including Galicia, the community of Madrid, Andalusia, Castilla y León and Asturias. The first task is to develop a Cloud-based Software, to „improve the transparency“ of forestry processes – such as the production of solid wood, disintegration, pulp and biomass by application of the Blockchain, Big Data and machine Learning.