On 15. August, the American Investor, Michael Terpin handed in a 195-million-Euro lawsuit against AT&T. He believes that the telecommunications giant hackers had access to his phone, which led to a large crypto-attack.

Michael Terpin is a Puerto Rico-based entrepreneur and CEO of the TRANS-form group. He is also the co-founder of a group for Bitcoin (BTC) -investors called BitAngels and a digital currency Fund, BitAngels DApps Fund.

Terpin claimed to have lost crypto-currencies to the value of 20 million Euro due to two Hacks in the course of seven months: The 69-page complaint, which he filed in the California law firm Greenberg, Glusker, mentioned in two separate episodes from the 11. June 2017 and the 7. January 2018. In both cases, AT&T was, at the Terpin since the 1990s, a long-standing subscriber, digital identity does not protect.

Now, Terpin is aiming for € 174 million in punitive damages and € 21 million replacement of the telecommunications company of damage.

SIM-swap fraud: What to do as a Telecom provider with crypto-savings?

„What did AT&T, was like a Hotel, there was a thief with a fake ID, a room key and a key to the room safe, in order to steal jewelry in the Safe by the rightful owner,“ the complaint that Terpin victim of a SIM-Swaps, also known as SIM Hijacking, or a „Port-out Scam“.

SIM-Swapping is a process in which a telecommunications provider, such as T-Mobile transfers the phone number of the target to the attacker held the SIM card. As soon as you will get the phone number, hackers can use the passwords of the victims and in their accounts to break in, including the accounts for the exchange of crypto-currencies.

Occasionally, the thieves can bypass even Two-factor authentication, such as Motherboard writes. According to their investigation, the Exchange of SIM cards is widespread, „relatively easy to carry out and far away,“ and adds that „crypto-currency accounts are common goals“.

The tactics apply to Criminals, to those Hacks, can vary. Sometimes they trick Customers to believe that they are the targets, to get you to hand over your data. According to the Motherboard scammers use often, however, the so-called „Plugs“: nsider of telecommunications companies, which are paid for illegal Swaps. An anonymous SIM Hijacker of publication:

told „Everyone uses […] If you tell someone [who works at a telecommunications company], and that he can earn money, do it.“ the

An anonymous source at Verizon told Motherboard that he had been raised on Reddit, where he had been offered bribes in exchange for SIM Swaps. Another Verizon employee, claimed that the hackers have promised to make in a couple of months, „$ 100,000″, if he’ll cooperate – he just needed to activate the SIM card for [the Hacker] if he was at work or [the attackers] employee ID and PIN.“

In connection with the case, Terpin, the dialogue of the Motherboard with an AT&T employee suggested that the Design of your system allows it, according to Reports, some members of staff, to replace safety features such as the phone’s pass code, AT&T for the porting of numbers needed:

„From there, the Passcode can be changed […] With a new Passcode, the number can be issued without Further notice.“

How Terpin has been hacked?

As mentioned above, was hacked Terpin twice: in June 2017 and January 2018.

First of all, in the summer of 2017, he found out that his AT&T number hacked had been, when his phone according to the complaint, suddenly, was dead. He learned then of AT&T that his password had been changed „after 11 Attempts in AT&T stores had failed.“

After they had access to the Terpins phone, took the attacker of his personal data, including calls and SMS, to in his accounts to break in, the telephone numbers as a means of verification, including its „crypto-currency accounts“, although you have not specified the type of these accounts. The Hacker will also have Terpins Skype Account used to impersonate him and persuade his clients to send you the crypto-currency.

AT&T has locked according to Reports, the access to the hackers after they „had stolen significant funds“ from Terpin. The document also States that Terpin after the incident, on 13. June 2017 with representatives of AT&T met to discuss the attack, and AT&T was promised his account on a „higher security level“ to bring „special protection“ used by the Celebrities:

„AT&T said Mr Terpin, furthermore, that the implementation of increased security would prevent that the number of Mr. Terpin is moved without the Express permission of the Lord Terpin to another phone, since no one would know except for Mr Terpin and his wife the secret code.“

However, a year and a half later, on Saturday, the 7. Of January 2018, is said to have been switched off Terpins phone again – he was attacked a second Time. The complaint alleged that „an employee has worked in an AT&T-business with a fraudulent SIM Swap has committed fraud,“ although in June, 2017 additional security measures have been taken:

such As AT&T later ported an employee in an AT&T store in Norwich, Connecticut, the phone number of Lord Terpin to a fraud, the injured to the obligations and warranties of AT&T, including the higher level of security, the he allegedly on Mr Terpins account after the Hack of 11. June 2017 had set, which was supposedly implemented to prevent just such a fraud. „

This Time have stolen the thieves reportedly around EUR 21 million in cryptocurrency, although he tried to contact AT&T „immediately,“ after his phone worked. AT&T, „ignored“ his request and gave the hackers enough time to get enough information about Terpins crypto accounts to move his money to their own accounts. The plaintiff’s complaint argues that Terpins wife have tried to the time, AT&T call, but it was „endless“, as she asked, with AT&t’s fraud division connected zu.

Terpin case could set a precedent for SIM Swapping fraud sums up to be

the complaint, is the potential scope of Port-out-Scams highlighted:

„AT&T is doing nothing to protect its nearly 140 million customers in front of SIM card fraud. AT&T is therefore directly to blame for these attacks, because they are aware that their customers are subject to fraud by a SIM-Swap, and that your security measures are ineffective. AT&T does virtually nothing to protect its customers against such scams, because they are too big to care. „

As Gizmodo with AT&T in connection, to receive a comment to the story, to the best of the ride Reports of the accusation and explained that they are ready to respond:

„We deny these allegations and look forward to presenting our case before the court.“

Terpin told Gizmodo that such crypto-Raids, usually of the „College Kids“ are running, the groups go in this Discord online. He also insisted that the thieves had in his case, the help of an AT&T employee:

„The only thing [the crypto-hacks] have in common is that they had, in any case, an Insider’s […] [the trading with crypto-currencies] is safe, as long as no one is your digital identity.“

He added that he had contacted the FBI, the Department of Homeland security and the US secret service and they identified the AT&T employee who was involved in the attack.

Terpin, not more and more also admitted that he gives his phone number and instead on Google Voice leaves.

Cointelegraph contacted Terpins lawyers to keep track of which Tokens have been stolen from him, and where he had his crypto-currency account. This story will be updated as soon as the comment request is responded to.