
Straßenumfrage offenbart: Österreicher mit harter Ansage gegen Deutschland

The upcoming European Football Championship, set to take place in Germany from June 14th to July 14th, is garnering attention as the biggest home tournament since the 2006 World Cup. With such prestigious sporting events, host countries aim to showcase their best qualities, and Germany is no exception. But what do other nations think of a country known for its beer, punctuality, and the fashion trend of wearing tennis socks with sandals?

A comedian from Austria took to the streets of Vienna to find out. In a light-hearted manner, he humorously questioned the residents about their thoughts on living in Germany: „How much would you need to be paid to move to Germany?“ The street survey resulted in laughter as no one seemed eager to relocate to Germany.

The self-proclaimed fan expert is part of the cabaret duo „Dr. Bohl“ and often appears as a reporter on the ORF show „Seitenwechsel.“ Despite the humorous tone, the responses were firm. One individual stated, „I don’t think there’s enough money to make me move to Germany,“ while another expressed a desire to see Austria defeat Germany in the upcoming European Championship.

The survey did not delve into the reasons behind the Austrians‘ lack of enthusiasm for their neighbor country. However, it is worth noting that Vienna has been named the most livable city in the world for the second consecutive year, with Frankfurt being the only German city to rank internationally at 13th place.

The friendly nicknames exchanged between Austria and Germany, such as „Ösis“ for Austrians and „Piefkes“ for Germans, highlight the one-sided nature of the relationship. A study commissioned by the German Embassy in Vienna revealed that approximately 60% of Austrians view Germans as „opinionated.“

Despite these perceptions, there is hope for improved relations, as the study indicates that the better Austrians get to know Germans, the more they appreciate them. Perhaps the upcoming European Championship in 2024 presents an opportunity for the two nations to bridge the gap and foster closer ties.

In conclusion, the sentiments expressed in the street survey shed light on the complex relationship between Austria and Germany, highlighting both humor and underlying tensions. As the European Championship approaches, the potential for increased understanding and camaraderie between the two nations remains a possibility.