The market analysts of Nomics have brought in this week to their new transparency index at the Start. The calculations of the company shows that only 17 percent of the Bitcoin to market, and eight percent of the trade with Ether transparent and easy to understand, and thus „trusted“. According to the Nomics, managing Director of Collins this is due to the high density of the opaque trading venues.

By David Barkhausen
On 29. August 2019BTC$9.445,28 -7.22%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

For many financial analysts, there are hardly any greater mystery than the Bitcoin market. Who owns how much of the „digital gold“, where the Coins are flowing and what are the driving springs and the rates are skyrocketing, it can often only speculate. Numerous indices of different providers try to bring light into the darkness and to make the trade easier to understand.

one Of these market observers, the Coinbase-daughter Nomics is. In its latest Index of Coinmarketcap is trying to put a figure competitor as of this week, as transparent and easy to understand, and therefore „trustworthy“ in the markets of many crypto-currencies and Token actually are.

describes How Nomics in a blog post on its Website, the company collects this transaction of data from a total of 167 of the most well-known trading places. These are then compared with the actual volume of trade. Bitcoin exchanges of Nomics with a Rating of A+ to D – depending on how transparent you deal with your data.

In his calculations Nomics comes to worrying results: Only 17 percent of global trade in the crypto-currency Bitcoin to get the predicate „to be trustworthy“. Ether, in turn, to just eight percent.

What appears at first glance as a sobering reminder, however, is a little problematic, is Nomics-CEO, Clay Collins told the trade magazine The Block.

As Bitcoin and Ether would not only traded on popular stock exchanges such as Binance, Kraken or Coinbase. Less well-known and low shunting at the end of trading places would play for the market an important role, so his explanation. With a view on the density of the trusted transaction data, in turn, the crypto would the Rankings of draft horses lead.

Index. transparency

promoting The opposite would be Coins such as LEO, ChainLink or BNB especially high transparency ratings of up to 50 percent, because this is often only a handful of high-ranking exchanges would be available at all

tokens, such as BNB are mainly traded by Binance or related exchanges. This is the reason for the large transparent volume of trade,

the Nomics-in-chief describes.

That his company denies many of the Token of the trust stamp the whole, is in turn a sign, „as sad as it is to the crypto Space ordered.“

Overall, the market with crypto is currencies hardly transparent. Currently, just under a quarter of 3.873 ranked Token and crypto get the transparency seal of the company in currencies at all.

Nomics wants to make its contribution to it, that this is changing and trading venues more transparent. Already today, exchanges have turned, with the request that suggestions for improvement to the operators.

a Much more critical look at meanwhile, other analysts, the crypto-markets. In March, a report from Bitwise in the case of Bitcoin enthusiasts had the alarm bells ringing. In a study the company had warned that up to 95 percent of all transactions on Coinmarketcap are faulty or rigged.


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