
In the Polish crime series „Wataha“, Commissioner Świtalski is investigating a terrorist attack on Grzywa and his wife. The former officer Robert Korda’s involvement in the events is unclear. Kalita and his accomplice Cinek meet with the Ukrainian gangster Metro. Prosecutor Dobosz and her colleague Juchniewicz search Kalita’s sawmill for evidence.

The story unfolds with Natalia, a border guard determined to leave the force, found dead on the riverbank. Rebrow’s lighter is discovered at the crime scene. Weapons and explosives are found in Kalita’s sawmill, and it is revealed that they were used in the murders of Kosowski and Ewa. Natalia’s last assignment was to question a refugee girl, but she is found dead the next morning with a cross carved on her forehead. The police search for evidence and find Rebrow’s lighter. Additionally, a hermit in the Bieszczady forests leads Rebrow to a male body, believed to be the serial killer „Made“ who fell into a trap set by poachers.

Meanwhile, Kalita, a local criminal, receives an offer from his Ukrainian partner Metro to retire from their illegal activities for a substantial sum of money. Dobosz and her team search Kalita’s sawmill and uncover a stash of firearms, ammunition, and explosives. These weapons were used in the murders of Kosowski and Ewa. Kalita suspects that someone is framing him for the crimes. The investigation also leads to Major Markowski’s border post, where Dobosz’s team finds a blood-stained shirt in Rebrow’s locker.

As the mystery deepens, alliances and motives are called into question. The intricate web of relationships between the characters adds layers of complexity to the story. With each new revelation, the true culprits behind the crimes become increasingly elusive. Will Commissioner Świtalski be able to solve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice? The suspense continues to build as the characters navigate the dangerous world of border patrol and criminal underworld.

The intense drama and suspense of „Wataha“ keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the twists and turns of the investigation. The interconnected lives of the characters create a rich tapestry of intrigue and betrayal. With each episode, new clues emerge, leading the audience deeper into the heart of the mystery. Stay tuned to unravel the secrets of „Wataha“ and discover the truth behind the border patrol operations in Europe.