Ericsson Microwave, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ericsson, sold it in 1999 to its flygplansburna’s radar systems Department of the Greek army. The system would be mounted on brazilian jetflygplanet the EMB-145. There was a great deal, on a four-billion-and-a breakthrough order for Ericsson’s Microwave – the first to a Nato country.

in 2014, agreed, among other things, that the korruptionspengar had been transmitted from Ericsson, via a consulting firm in the principality of Monaco, and has been used in order to increase your chances of success for the Swedish company to get the job.

in the Same year is admitted a high-ranking official in the defense ministry that he had received 16 million euros from companies in countries such as Sweden, Brazil, china, France, Russia, and Germany.

Korruptionsrättegången in Greece started in may of 2018, but have had two break from it and started in earnest in the autumn of the year 2018. From the beginning, was the 21 people indicted, but two died in the meantime.

Among the accused, there were eight total, some of them were in the senior management of Ericsson, including the former president and ceo (unaudited) Kurt Hellström. The two of them were working in the subsidiary Ericsson Microwave, and went to the Saab, which it bought in 2006.

„I have just received the judgment in my hand, all eight of the swedes will be found not guilty of having contributed to the corruption,“ says the lawyer, Hans Strandberg, on behalf of the six former Ericsson employees.

the Former Ericsson ceo Kurt Hellström in his capacity as of the end of april 2007. Photo: Stefan Olsson
They are involved, the lawyers, were the judges in the face to the right, in Athens, on Wednesday morning, the grounds given in the written judgement, which may be any one, or a few months of the year. A number of people, including the former head of the Greek equivalent of the Swedish Defence materiel administration (fmv), was convicted of irregularities in the procurement process.

“ But, for me, and they are found not guilty, the swedes are now a thing of the past. To the right was united, and the decision can be based on my Greek colleagues, is not subject to appeal, “ says Strandberg.

the Swedes were accused of bribery, and aggravated money-laundering, but both of the charges against him be dismissed, to formally, on the basis of the statute of limitations.

“ But the issue of the allegations of mutbrottingick examined in the section on coarse-money laundering, an offense which would not be barred. The court does not believe that the mutbrottet is true, which means that it does not, nor can be rough, money laundering, argues in His Strandberg.

he said that He was not to be surprised by the verdict.

“ When it comes to my clients, none of them were involved in the Ericsson Microwave. During the Year, was Asienchef, and had not taken up the position of managing director when the deal was made, I did not even have to have started at the company, “ says Strandberg.

the ROTOR has been applied for during the Year, of which, however, states that he did not want to comment and referred to its attorney.

“ I have informed all my clients about the ruling and talked with the four of them. After all, they have been convinced of his innocence, but still felt the discomfort of being prosecuted, and the feeling of relief now, “ says Strandberg.

He has been hired by six of the defendants, and the swedes, whose legal costs are being covered by an insurance policy taken out by us. Strandberg has been previously stated in the DN that the prosecution case is based on the revenge of a fired former Ericsson employee. He has been a witness to the Greek of the trial, denies a total of this, and argue that he has not been to some of the people.

see also the Six previous Ericssonchefer before the courts of Athens.