
Marlene Lufen Opens Up About Menopause: Shocking and Honest Revelation

Moderator Marlene Lufen recently spoke openly on her podcast about a topic that was once a taboo for her: menopause. This marks the first time that the 53-year-old moderator has publicly addressed a subject that is close to her heart. Just a decade ago, she admits she would never have talked about it. The latest episode of her podcast, „M wie Marlene – Wie gelingt das Leben?“ focuses on the topic of menopause.

During a conversation with her gynecologist, Dr. Pia Baust, Marlene shared her personal experiences with menopause and the impact it had on her. She described this phase as „very, very difficult,“ filled with tears as she struggled to come to terms with the end of her fertile phase and her youth. She felt a drastic change in her body, going from zero to a hundred or vice versa.

Marlene sought solace in conversations with friends, reading books, and researching menopause extensively. With the help of her gynecologist, she aims to show through her podcast that entering menopause doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Many women struggle during this phase when hormones suddenly fluctuate, and Marlene hopes to alleviate some of that fear by sharing her own journey.

She initially didn’t realize she was going through menopause, attributing her symptoms to other factors. Despite not experiencing typical hot flashes, Marlene faced challenges like sadness, changes in her skin, and loss of libido. After a conversation with her gynecologist, where it was revealed that she had already gone through menopause, Marlene felt overwhelmed by the news.

Marlene found relief through therapy involving natural hormones. She advocates for comprehensive discussions between women and their gynecologists about the various options available during menopause. Dr. Baust highlighted the importance of supporting women during this phase and addressing their individual needs.

In addition to emotional challenges, menopause can bring about physical symptoms like mood swings, aggression, cognitive issues, and sleep disturbances. It’s crucial for women to receive personalized care and guidance from healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about menopause.

Marlene emphasized that she now feels good in her body and is no longer plagued by menopausal symptoms. She expressed gratitude for the help she received and hopes to inspire other women going through similar experiences.

Marlene Lufen Opens Up About Menopause and Separation from Husband

In a recent update, Marlene Lufen shared that her journey through menopause coincided with her decision to separate from her husband. The emotional and physical changes she experienced during this phase led her to reevaluate her personal life and make choices that aligned with her well-being.

Marlene’s openness about her menopausal journey and the challenges she faced not only sheds light on a common but often overlooked topic but also highlights the interconnectedness of physical health and emotional well-being. Her story serves as a reminder that self-care and seeking support are essential during life’s transitions.