
BR Retro – A Journey Through 75 Years of Bavarian Broadcasting

In a special presentation, Susanne Franke brings three episodes of „BR Retro“ from the television archive to the viewers. „BR Retro – 75 Jahre BR“ serves as a meeting point for generations, showcasing iconic moments from the history of Bavarian broadcasting. Michaela May, reflecting on the impact of „Münchner Geschichten,“ highlights how the series continues to resonate with audiences even after decades, with people still remembering dialogues and scenes.

The vintage clips from the popular citizen participation program „Jetzt red i,“ which has been a success for over 50 years, offer a glimpse into the past where the audience could smoke freely. The contrast in societal norms is further exemplified by Frank-Markus Barwasser, known as Erwin Pelzig, as he playfully shoots a studio spotlight with a football in a segment of his show. Such actions, for safety reasons, would be unimaginable today. Additionally, the fashion trends of the 80s and 90s showcased on the dating show „Herzblatt“ may not evoke the same excitement in contemporary viewers. In „Szene 78,“ Iggy Pop’s refusal to lip-sync but instead deliver a captivating performance through physical movements adds an intriguing touch to the retrospective.

The selected clips, spanning from the 1960s to the present day, offer a nostalgic journey through various shows and series. From Christine Kaufmann and Gisela Schneeberger in „Monaco Franze“ to Blacky Fuchsberger in „Heut‘ abend“ and Harald Lesch, who kickstarted his television career at the former BR-alpha, the retrospective celebrates the diverse talents that have graced Bavarian broadcasting. Notable figures like Günther Jauch, Sandra Maischberger, and Giovanni di Lorenzo also trace their beginnings to the Bayerischer Rundfunk in programs such as „Live aus dem… Alabama/Schlachthof/Nachtwerk.“

The BR archive houses invaluable time capsules, capturing significant events such as the opening ceremony of the 1972 Olympic Summer Games and the work of foreign correspondents like Dagobert Lindlau and Sophie von der Tann, among others. Celebrating 75 years of BR offers an opportunity to explore the rich programming from past to present, immersing oneself in the bygone decades. As Fritz Egner reflects on the footage of The Beatles‘ visit to Munich in 1966, he emphasizes the priceless nature of the treasures tucked away in the Bavarian Television archive, calling it truly remarkable material.

In conclusion, „BR Retro – 75 Jahre BR“ not only honors the legacy of Bavarian broadcasting but also invites audiences to rediscover and appreciate the cultural heritage preserved in the archives, making it a journey worth embarking on for both long-time fans and new viewers alike.