

Economically irrational: study shows deficiencies in the Lightning network

For the Bitcoin Community is the Lightning network, the expression of deep hope on the infinite scalability of the crypto-currency no 1....

Bitcoin-options: Bakkt submit, CME draws

The Chigagoer exchange CME had announced before Bakkt to want options on their Bitcoin derivatives offer. Meanwhile, CME has been overtaken by...

Undiscovered Bitcoin is in No Man’s Sky: searching for the digital Gold

at the beginning of August in 2016, appeared to No Man's Sky, the Indie developer Hello Games. It should be the first...

Bitcoin Core Update: What you should know now

On the 24. November, the latest Update of Bitcoin Core has celebrated its Release Day. Version 0.19.0 contains some changes to the...

Bitcoin vending machines conquer US shopping malls

Bitcoin enthusiasts of various Stripes dream of a wide-scale adaptation of the crypto-currency no 1. They hope that Bitcoin rises soon to...

Bitcoin vs. the environment: New study refuted allegations against Mining farms

Mining is a dirty business. For the Proof of Work all the farms are put into operation, to drive the global CO2...

Paranoia and depression: A DarkNet dealer grabs

Bitcoin as a shadow currency: The crypto-currency has been used in the past on Online black markets in the DarkNet. Now, a...

Ride the Bitcoin exchange rate: How can you benefit?

The Bitcoin price has risen in the last 24 hours over 10 percent, the volatility has returned to the crypto-market. What is...

Bitcoin exchange rate: China’s role in the crypto-Crash

The price of Bitcoin continues to fall. The crypto currency has lost in the last 24 hours about 6 per cent strength,...

Halving the Bitcoin-successors BCH and BSV – the first and last Time?

Not only in the case of Bitcoin is to in the coming year, a halving of the block reward. Also in the...



Upcoming Events on September 25, 2024

Exciting Events to Look Forward to on September 25, 2024As we gear up for September 25, 2024, there are several key events to mark...

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