
Behind the Scenes: A Shocking Revelation of Drug Use at Children’s Musical

It’s a common stereotype that alcohol and drugs are part of the daily routine for rockstars on tour. However, a new biography by Peter Maffay’s longtime drummer, Bertram Engel, has shed light on the reality of drug use behind the scenes of the children’s musical tour „Tabaluga.“ Engel’s book reveals that drug consumption was seemingly normal for the musicians backstage during the tour. The now 67-year-old reflects on that time as „completely unreal“ and attributes the drug use to the stress of touring.

Engel’s candid account of drug use during the „Tabaluga“ tour raises concerns for parents whose children may be involved in similar musical productions. While the idea of drug use in connection with a children’s musical may seem shocking, it underscores the importance of understanding the environment in which these young performers are operating. Parents need to be aware of the potential risks their children may face, even in seemingly innocent settings.

The Impact on Young Performers

The revelation of drug use at the „Tabaluga“ tour raises questions about the impact on the young performers involved in such productions. It is crucial to consider the influence of adult behavior on impressionable children, especially in a professional setting like a musical tour. The normalization of drug use behind the scenes can have lasting effects on the mental and emotional well-being of young performers, potentially leading to substance abuse issues later in life.

As parents, it is essential to have open and honest conversations with your children about the dangers of drug use and to monitor their well-being while they are involved in any form of performance art. By staying informed and actively engaging with your child’s experiences, you can help protect them from potential negative influences and ensure their safety and well-being.

Navigating the Entertainment Industry

The story of drug use at the „Tabaluga“ tour serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and pitfalls that can exist within the entertainment industry. While the glamour and excitement of show business may be appealing to young performers, it is crucial to approach it with caution and awareness. Parents play a vital role in guiding their children through the complexities of the entertainment world and helping them make informed decisions about their career paths.

It is essential for parents to educate themselves about the realities of the entertainment industry and to provide their children with the necessary support and guidance to navigate potential risks. By staying informed and involved in their child’s career, parents can help protect them from harmful influences and ensure that they have a positive and fulfilling experience in the world of entertainment.

In conclusion, the revelation of drug use at the „Tabaluga“ tour highlights the importance of vigilance and awareness when it comes to protecting young performers in the entertainment industry. By staying informed, having open communication with their children, and providing guidance and support, parents can help ensure that their children have a safe and positive experience in their pursuit of artistic endeavors.