

The first Bitcoin-decade: Why there were no Bitcoin bubble and Bitcoin will do the...

the ten years Ago, the first Bitcoin was gemint-Block. A historical event, which was at the time in its scope, probably nobody...

More autonomy car: thoughts on the tenth birthday of Bitcoin

the Bitcoin is ten years old. That is reason enough to pause and to look to the past and the future. ...

Bitcoin in 2018: The bubble has burst (part 1)

the Bitcoin and its surrounding Ecosystem has been a wild year. With double-digit losses within a few weeks, crypto-currencies were much less...

Chile: banks demand the right to power, to the exclusion of Bitcoin exchanges

the The Supreme court of Chile has decided that banks, Bitcoin exchanges are allowed to refuse their Service. To contradict the previous...

Trump thanks to: Iranian students from soft to Bitcoin

the The inclusion of people without Bank access in the world of Finance is one of the core concerns of Bitcoin &...

Bitcoin number – is How many Bitcoin are there?

The highest number of Bitcoin is to just under 21 Mil l ion Bitcoin limited (20.999.999,9769 BTC). The...

Whale Watching: Who moved the 66,000 Bitcoin?

the Bitcoin-whale in motion: At 3. December recorded the Blockchain transaction history of a Bank Transfer of over 66,000 Bitcoin. The Community...

So Gold became debt – to-money- Can happen to Bitcoin?

the "Who does not know the past are forced to repeat it.", the Spanish philosopher George Santayana said in the 19th century.Century....

These are the five things You should about Bitcoin know

in currencies, The mother of the Crypto to be the driving force for the entire crypto-market. The market capitalization of Bitcoin is...


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