the The inclusion of people without Bank access in the world of Finance is one of the core concerns of Bitcoin & co. „Banking the Unbanked“ became a winged word under centralization critics. In the UK students from Iranians pleasure of this Ur is now in doubt-application area of crypto-currencies.

By Christopher clover
19. December 2018ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

One of the biggest drawbacks of the centralised banking system is its vulnerability to regulatory arbitrage. The get also living abroad, Iranians at least since the in October, stricter US sanctions of the Trump government to feel more and more.

In the UK, where, unlike in this country, exorbitant tuition fees, are now afraid of Iranian students to graduate. The reason is that Since the US sanctions on the Iranian banks to isolate increasingly from the international financial market, make transfers abroad for the Iranians almost impossible. As the British Guardian on 17. December reported, runs an Iranian law Student at the University of Reading is now in danger of losing due to unpaid study fees of his student visa.

The University has provided the students Parsa Sadat is now an Ultimatum: Either he flies over Christmas to his family and brings the resulting 5.350 pound Sterling at the beginning of the next semester or he will be suspended. In the corresponding E-Mail it is said in the (translated) wording:

„This should give you hopefully enough time to get the money back from Iran after the Christmas break. If payment is not received by this date, you will be excluded from your course.”“

No case

Sadat does not see itself as an isolated case:

„One of the other students his parents to come and generate money. [U.S. sanctions] to meet normal people. It is basically an economic Blockade“,

he told the Guardian.

the operator of The Iran-messaging platform IranWire, Matt Rodda, confirmed the predicament of the Iranian students and their dodging Bitcoin & co.:

„you are using currencies Bitcoin and other Crypto to get money.“

assistance received Sadat, however, from the Labour MP Matt Rodda. In a letter to the University of his constituency (Reading East) admonishes of this, the University, in view of the political situation, and more flexibility:

„Parsa is a victim of forces beyond his control. I would like to ask you the flexibility at the time of receipt of its fees for the third year in a consider – and be it only for reasons of compassion.“

The appeal seems to have already been effective: The University has acknowledged that Sadat is in an exceptional location and wants to search together for a solution.