

Why Bitcoin is the scarcest Good of humanity and what that means for the...

the economic science is occupied with the question of how scarce goods can be used to efficiently distribute. Through the mechanism of...

Canadian city ponders Bitcoin & co. for the property tax

the On the long and rocky path to the Mainstream adaptation of the acceptance by governments as a milestone. A canadian small...

Bitcoin capitalization: Why the crypto-currency no 1 save the economy of Argentina may

the The well-known Bitcoin Investor Tim Draper met recently with the President of Argentina Mauricio Macri and campaigned for it to replace...

Lightning on the rise: a New Web Standard WebLN facilitates payments in the Browser

the Lightning Payments are to be through the adaptation of the WebLN Standards easier. Developers O’Beirne made the programming of applications on...

Lightning Loop Alpha: Without the clogged channels as quick as a flash Bitcoin send

the The Bitcoin Lightning Network can be used to relieve the load on the Blockchain. It provides the possibility of micro-transactions and...

Bitcoin FUD – 5 allegations, the hearing is a Bitcoin Hodler

the You know the. A cosy Pils in the pub at the corner of the trust which falls suddenly to a word...

Status quo in Bitcoin Mining: rains in China and rising Hash Rate, despite a...

the Stagnating Bitcoin courses provide the Miner with long term problems. Sales have been falling for a long time continuously. However, the...

Bitcoin Lightning Network: block stream released Upgrade

the block stream has released an Upgrade to their Bitcoin scaling software C-Lightning, the works with the Lightning Network,. Thus, the company...

Hyperinflation in Venezuela – Helps Bitcoin to the people in the crisis?

the people in Venezuela are increasingly suffering under the political and economic crisis in the country. Again and again, is spoken in...

Proof of Nothing: Why Bitcoin Miner empty blocks propagate

the The number of empty blocks in the Bitcoin network is on the decline. Many of the Mining of empty blocks but...


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