Hans Strandberg: Lågbudgetlösning able to create a new pilotkonflikter
this is a way for SAS growth in the last year if more people travelled with the company, which led to a...
The duel between the cheaper electric cars with long range
the Porsche Taycan, the Tesla Model 3's, Mercedes, EQC, the Audi e-tron, and Jaguar In Germany. A row of eye-catching and prestandastinna...
Independent schools have less success with the vocational education and training
the confederation of Swedish Enterprise switch in the DN Debate, though the obvious truth is that upper-secondary vocational programmes are those programmes,...
The DN of the Debate. SD, is leading the opposition in a bid to...
But one day before we rang in the new decade started with the early close down of the Swedish nuclear power plant...
By stealth, not through the civilplikt also, in times of peace,
we are pleased to see that Dan Holds, and the Swedish civil contingencies Agency shares our view that the involvement of civil...
Tolerance and openness in the face of linguistic variety, our recommendation
in the Field, and the språkdiskussioner is important in democratic discourse. That is why we are pleased to Lars Melin, in his...
Språkpoliserna will do no good but much harm,
In my article, I wrote about the aggressive språkpoliser coming up with more and more prohibitions and requirements. The response has been...
The EUROPEAN union wants to invest 1,000 billion in the klimatomställning
the Goal is to include the most vulnerable, the most kolberoende regions to cope with the transition. the Aid is...
The increasing risk of a 40-year-old nuclear power reactors run on
Jimmie Åkesson (SD), and Mattias Bäckström and Johansson (SD), and argues that the decision to shut down Swedish nuclear power plant Ringhals...
The decent citizens need to be willing to learn
the World does not change with the use of a new word. A phenomenon that arouses discomfort as it does not feel...