
Wurster Nordseeküste: Filming for TV series

The new NDR series „Reisen mit Muddi“ by director Ingo Raspe and producer Valentin Holch, starring Alwara Höfele and Andrea Sawatzki, was filmed at the church in Padingbüttel.

The Landgärtnerei Miles in Dorum served as a location for the new NDR series „Reisen mit Muddi“ in the past few days. The series, consisting of six episodes, tells the story of Agnetha Lakshmi Pfeiffer (Alwara Höfel) and her deceased mother Naina Zareen Pfeiffer (Andrea Sawatzki). Producer and writer Valentin Holch explains, „Agnetha has broken with her family and left the coast. After her mother’s death, she returns there. With her mother’s coffin in tow. And experiences some surprises. Beautiful, but also less beautiful ones.“

More about the series, why the nursery was chosen as a filming location, and when the episodes will be aired can be found in the NORDSEE-ZEITUNG.

Filming in a sea of flowers was made possible thanks to Elke and Wolfgang Miles, owners of the nursery in Dorum. Much to the delight of Dorumer Mayor Hanna Bohne and producer Valentin Holch.

By Kristin Seelbach
Born in 1985 in Limburg, Hesse, Kristin Seelbach found her way to the NORDSEE-ZEITUNG twice after studying in Marburg and Leipzig. In 2011 for her internship and then from 2013 as a permanent employee and later editor in the district editorial office.