
Compelling Seelendrama with Grandfather and Granddaughter

Gießen (kdw) – The Keller Theatre presented another masterpiece of the Festival of Irish Theatre with a compelling seelendrama. Michael Harnett’s „Bullied,“ directed by Vinnie McCabe, showcased the distressing situation of a student being bullied who finds support in her grandfather. McCabe and Shauna Brennan portrayed the drama of this scenario with both strength and nuance, leaving the audience in awe.

Two generations collide as the grandfather living in Dublin, dealing with modern rejection techniques from the gas provider and his bank, shows genuine compassion for his 16-year-old granddaughter (played naturally and movingly by Shauna Brennan). Mean text messages, false date offers, and defamatory photos make her life a living hell. The grandfather (portrayed with confident credibility and versatility by Vinnie McCabe) battles call centers and a bureaucracy that routinely counter his intentions and desires. Brennan adeptly portrays a mix of fear and adolescent defiance, infusing her character with very human traits.

The grandfather, driven by deep empathy, does not let the girl’s defensive facade deter him. His experience tells him that she must not only defend herself, and he offers her useful advice: confront, threaten, and intimidate the aggressors. He displays human greatness and deep affection by not giving up and steadfastly encouraging the insecure granddaughter. McCabe convincingly brings to life the two sides of his character, eccentricity, and tenderness. Michael Hartnett’s book is equipped with very human dialogues, showing that bullying is not just a phenomenon of youth but a negative constant in human society.

Ultimately, Anna gathers her courage and confronts the situation head-on over the phone, with the grandfather providing her with his phone so the opponent cannot brush her off. It is a delight to watch her regain control of the situation and put the bullies in their place with a few threats and harsh words.

The professionally staged and produced piece exudes a coziness stemming from the familiar relationship between granddaughter and grandfather and the powerful realism of the story, not to mention the relaxed expressiveness of the excellent performers. Thunderous applause filled the room.

After the performance, author Michael J. Harnett answered numerous questions from young audience members, with a whole school class in attendance. The festival concluded on Saturday with a matinee reading of Hartnett’s play „The Noble Call“ by Vinnie McCabe.

Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from the Festival of Irish Theatre.