In an Interview with Craig Wright admits defeat in the court process in the Kleiman-estate. The judgment should be appealable, it must Wright to pay out of 550,000 BTC to Dave Kleimans brother, Ira Kleiman,. But there’s a catch.

On the 27. August 2019 BTC$10.217,87 -0.78% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It is the largest digital gold treasure in the history. About 1.1 million BTC should be, according to Craig Wright (CSW), the self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto and Patent the Assembly line, in the so-called „Tulip Trust“. In Fiat money is calculated, the total amounts to a whopping $ 11 billion. The Bitcoin come from a Mining company that should have led Craig Wright with his then-boyfriend Dave Kleiman.

The possession of this treasure, however, are not clarified until today in conclusion: Both the family of the already 2013 deceased Kleiman, as well as Wright’s self-claim ownership of the contents of the Tulip trust. The fronts are hardened, since February of 2018, the US gives Wright court in Florida between the family Kleiman and Craig.

Now it has been given in the case of a first decision. In accordance with the contents of an interview, which was conducted by the alleged author of the Bitcoin White Papers with the crypto-platform modern consensus, to be the heirs Kleimans, approximately 500,000 BTC – i.e. almost half – of the Trust. In the Interview Wright:

said The judge has decided that I need to just transfer the 500,000 BTC to an Ira [Kleiman, the brother of the late Dave Kleiman].

As the court documents from the last hearing of 26. August is not yet available, is the court decision, the CSW quoted, see subject.

Compliance unclear

But there is a Problem. The background to the much-quoted Tulip Trust, in the billion-to hide the treasure, allegedly, are still unclear. Neither you, anyone who has access to the asset-and-white, nor is it known whether it is a Multisig Wallet or a commercial Bitcoin Wallet is. The Bitcoin multi-signature should require, may determine not party alone on the Sending of the corresponding UTXO. Imagine the case that Kleiman has taken his private key with him to the grave would be.

Despite these reservations, shows Wright in a cooperative: „If the court orders something, I follow these orders. And the court has the set now. So simple“, – stated in the Interview.

In the run-up to the decision was, however, became known that Wright should have presented, according to information from Bitmessage-developer Jonathan Warren fake documents with the court. Accordingly, the CSW is supposed to have submitted fake contracts and E-Mail correspondences that define him self as the rightful owner of the relevant UTXOs,.

market quake by billion-Dump?

Other Considerations surrounding a supposedly algorithmically-determined liquidation of the trust. The Tulip Trust to throw the beginning of 2020, all contained in BTC in a swing on the market. This is a confidential Mail, the Wright allegedly at 9.6. 2011 by Kleiman received. The Deceased specifies that the 1.1 million BTC from the Trust are to be transferred to the 1.1.2020 to Wright.

From this – admittedly very hypothetical assumption, exciting market-theoretical thoughts games. Crypto-Influencer Julian Hosp about a video on YouTube explaining that 1.1 million Bitcoin that will be thrown on a blow to the market, it is likely in the short term, have a devastating effect on the market. Finally, a sell order of this size would flood all the order books completely, so that there is, in the medium term, the buyer. A price drop would be the result.

in the long term Hosp expected, however, positive consequences of exorbitant Order like this. Because the 1.1 million BTC will be in accordance with the liquidation and not as formerly in the hands of an Individual, but more widely distributed. The market is recovering from such a supply shock, should Bitcoin go, therefore, and even strengthened from the affair emerged.


Craig Wright enough fake documents in court to Donald Trump will buy crypto-currencies – The freedom of expression ECHO Julian Hosp to micro-transactions: „The user-friendliness is the crux of the matter“ #Craig Wright#Dave Kleiman#Julian Hosp