Anthony Pompliano underlines its Bitcoin Bullentum again, this time on CNN. Meanwhile, Litecoin founder Charlie Lee needs to provide maximum clear, personally, that his project had all the prophecies of doom, despite the dead, but only slowly in the development. The expression ECHO

By Christopher clover
12. August 2019BTC$0,00 -0.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail bitcoin-Explainer-COP Pomp on CNN: reduction of the key rate will do to the Bitcoin Halving is noticeable

Anthony Pompliano has made his reputation as a staunch Bitcoin-COP again all honor. After he had renewed in July, and 100-k-Bitcoin forecast, said the co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital in August, compared to CNN, why is Bitcoin in his eyes, an Asset that will experience in the foreseeable future an enormous increase in value.

The difference [to Gold] is that we know in the case of Bitcoin exactly how many Bitcoin will be created, so will be created today 1.800 Bitcoin. Secondly, we know the total available volume, which is 21 million. So it is not so: Hey, I wonder how much is in the ground. We know exactly how much it is, and we can actually go and the software code of the system check or verification

so Pompliano to CNN. However, the monetary policy of the Central banks of the price development of Bitcoin games in the long term in the hands:

whenever we come in recessive times, or slow growth, the Central banks of the two instruments. You can lower the interest rates, what have you done yesterday, and you can print money. And if you do both, it usually takes six to 18 months until you can feel the effect of these tools, in fact,

says Pompliano with reference to the recent reduction of the benchmark interest rate by the US Central Bank, the Fed.

[The effects of the reduction in the base rate will fall] with the Bitcoin Halving together […]. And so we think that the reduction in Rates, the printing of more money, and the systematic structure of Bitcoin over a long period of time will lead to higher prices for Bitcoin.

Ex-Goldman-Sachs-Manager: Bitcoin has a market potential of 8 trillion US Dollar

Also, the Macro Investor Raoul Pal sees in Bitcoin a huge market potential. In the Podcast by Stephan Livera Pal grants to BTC a good chance to reach a market capitalization of over eight trillion U.S. dollars. The Chance-risk-ratio speak yet clear for Bitcoin – the his Macro colleagues see it that way. Raoul Pals calculus: If only ten percent of the global capital flows in the alternative financial system, Bitcoin, which would mean a capitalization of eight trillion US dollars.

Charlie Lee: Litecoin is still alive

meanwhile, the Litecoin founder Charlie Lee was forced crypto to give Twitter information about the Constitution of the Litecoin Ecosystem. Reason louder and the end of the Call, the stop a Development in the Bitcoin descendant suspect. Lee denies the reference to the fact that Litecoin has only a few Core developers and Updates to follow in the rule a few months after Bitcoin Core Updates. The development of LTC is slower, which means no downtime. Litecoin’ve always operate like this:

works like the Litecoin Core development for years. We had last year, even the same FUD! Has anyone looked at last year, our Master Branch, and claims that Litecoin 2018 has set the development. And I bet, even after this Declaration we are people tangled in 2020.

The criticism is based mainly on the slow development of the Privacy-Protocol Mimblewimble (MW), which was once announced for 2019. Lee acknowledged that in the past year, the focus will be more on adaptation, because development and improvement:

I praised think it is now time that I move the focus of the acceptance back to the development. I think the fungibility, as before, is extremely important, and I will bring the Ball back to the MW/CT. This time, I’m not making any promises as to a release date.