
Best Time to Mow the Lawn Before Winter: Tips for a Perfect Finish

A lush green and well-maintained lawn is the goal of many hobby gardeners. To ensure that your lawn survives the cold winter months, there are a few things to keep in mind when mowing for the last time of the year.

Not only do many animal species go into hibernation as temperatures drop, but the lawn in your own garden also deserves a winter rest. During the cold season, the grass blades grow much slower or even stop growing altogether. While there is no specific date for the last lawn mowing of the year, hobby gardeners can follow a rule of thumb to determine the perfect time for the final mow before winter.

Final Lawn Mowing Before Winter: Rule of Thumb for the Perfect Timing

One thing hobby gardeners can consider is the first frost. Around the time of the first frost night, ideally after the first frost night, the last mowing of the lawn should be done, according to Öko-Test. Depending on the weather, this could be in November, for example. Just before the winter rest, the grass blades should be cut to a length of just three to five centimeters. If the grass is too long, it could collapse under snowfall. According to, this could lead to the development of a microclimate under the snow cover, promoting fungal diseases. Snow mold, for example, could then affect the lawn.

The winter rest for the lawn in your own garden is over when the nights are no longer freezing and the thermometer consistently shows temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius. From this point on, the lawn can be maintained as usual. However, it’s important not to mow the lawn too early, as the grass blades could be damaged by frost.

Fertilizing the Lawn with Potassium Before Winter

To ensure that the lawn survives the winter well, gardeners should consider the following when mowing for the last time, according to Öko-Test:
– Mow the lawn on a dry, sunny autumn day and avoid mowing when the grass is wet and heavy
– Rake up the cut grass carefully, as remnants may not decompose properly in cool temperatures
– Avoid walking on the lawn one hour before mowing to allow bent blades to stand upright

It is also recommended to fertilize the lawn again in the fall and possibly aerate it. Fertilizing with potassium can make the grass more resistant and prepare it for the cold season.

Not only in winter but also in May, garden owners should leave their lawn alone: a trend from England is becoming more popular in Germany. There are good reasons to let the lawn grow.

By following these tips for the best time to mow the lawn before winter, hobby gardeners can ensure that their grass survives the cold season and emerges healthy and vibrant in the spring. Remember to pay attention to the first frost, cut the grass to the right length, and provide the necessary care for a perfect finish.