the Fifth Force GmbH, the parent company of the Blockchain-Start-ups in Newfoundland, to have two members of the leadership of your hat. This is evident from the current episode of the Podcast „Startup Insider“ of German Startups (ds). Accordingly, both the CFO Matthias Menke as chief jurist André to Eggert left the platform for Equity Token Offerings (ETO). Research of BTC-ECHO, however, have shown that André Eggert remains at his Post.

By Christopher clover
9. April 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

It is not as long as Newfoundland headlines: The Berlin Start-up could not only secure the funds from prominent investors such as Frank Thelens VC „free spirit“; by the end of 2018, were made to ETO for the parent company of the Fifth Force GmbH Newfoundland new territory entered. The future of business financing should be called the Equity Token Offering.

Since the ETO in its own thing it became, however, still in the Blockchain-a Start-up. In 2019 should be the year of the ETOs – allegedly and block state are holes still in the start-up. At least you will find yourself on the Newfoundland Homepage, in the list of ETO candidate. The was however not so, says ds-editor-in-chief Alexander Hüsing in the current episode of the ds-Podcast „Startup-an Insider“.

What I find quite exciting […]: The company, in the it would have on Newfoundland long ago to invest there so name how Brille24 were, among other things. I think the list was published in January 2018. […] There are companies, such as block state of goods, including, Myswoop, and the others. And if you look at the watch: The company logos are still on the Newfoundland site. Because you have to say for now, just: Brille24, advertised with them, […] have already long made an Exit, that is to say: The are out of the game. […] With block state, I have spoken […] Since the statement came out: We need to take some time from the page; we have made long ago, an Angel round and no longer have the topic of Newfoundland even on the list.

Newfoundland: a list with ETO-is candidates updated

compared To BTC-ECHO confirmed the Jeremi Jak, Newfoundland Head of Communication:

Brille24 has made an Exit and it is true that you will no longer be offering over Newfoundland. The fact that such companies are interested in Newfoundland, only proves the value we bring. What block of state be, and is, it is true that they have cancelled after the signing of the Term Sheet with us some time ago of your plans. Unity & MySWOOOP, which are also mentioned in the Podcast, we are still working with you on your future opportunities with us.

Jak has announced to take Brille24 and block state of the Website:

We plan to update very soon the list of companies and to combine this with another exciting announcement. Due to the release we will delete Brille24 and block state, however, the morning of our site.

At the time of writing is not done yet, however:

ETO-architect Eggert

contradiction there is, however, in terms of personnel Eggert. The „Legal Architect“ and Co-Founder of the ETO platform will have to leave his Post in no way, Jak:

Andre, from the beginning, in the case of Newfoundland, and remains fully engaged and active in the development of Newfoundland involved. His role as the Legal Architect remains in place.

Presumably, the ds has interpreted the Podcast of the announcement in the commercial register incorrectly:

announcement an announcement

Now it became the topic of ETO noticeably quiet: Instead, the conceptually related Security Token Offerings in all the rage. In contrast to the Fifth Force ETO were the STO of the company Bitbond even small investors to participate. It also is claiming to have a long-term aim of, so far, the BaFin has advanced to the a latch, and a minimum investment of 100,000 euros.

Therefore, we asked finally, when the next ETO on the Newfoundland platform. Jak stingy with Details and can be only a

This is the exciting announcement that we want to make soon. I can’t give an exact date, but it is really closer than you might think.


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