Fight to Fame is wrestling a Reality show, the aspiring martial artist to her move to Hollywood. Why are you out right in the Reality-TV needs a Blockchain, however, remains a mystery. It is time that we deal with the Use of the technology realistic.

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The Blockchain is not the Jack of all trades, for which it is commonly held. Although the Blockchain Hype subsides on its climax entirely crypto-foreign companies your listed company name, the prefix „Blockchain“ attached, slowly. Entirely from the surface of the Blockchain is not repaid but still. And rightly so, because some of the application off of digital currencies seems to be quite promising.

In this category Fight to Fame, a so-called block chain-based Reality Show, which is also kind of martial arts does not fall, for sure. A press release from the 28. October, it is a Fight to Fame to be a kind of Reality Show, in the center of a number of unknown martial artist is, you intend to realize your dream of a gig in Hollywood. The fighters compete in locally organised competitions against each other and wrestling around the „Grand Finale“. The winner an appearance in an alleged Hollywood strip beckons.

Fight-to-Fame is a global platform that allows participants to fight the way to Hollywood,

it sounds sexy in the message.

martial arts on the Blockchain?

What has that to do with the Blockchain technology? Fight to Fame justifies the use of the Blockchain technology, a Reality Format, with the justification that they wanted to make the competitive conditions more transparent, and ultimately fairer. The use was therefore a „no brainer“ – so obvious. This is a bold Thesis, and the rather mediocre balance sheet of the technology. The Blockchain is lagging far behind the expectations – in some Places, a kind of Resignation to the supposed cure-all is suffered. Why you should just celebrate in the Reality TV Renaissance, remains a mystery.

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How, exactly, Fight to Fame, the Blockchain Format, remains open. The only thing that it will be for Fans of the series a Token, the press release see. After all, the organizers praised the ICO to have a Disaster of 2017 learned; the FF Token is not to be used for the enrichment of the Fight to Fame, but the part of the Fans – for example, through token based voting – guarantee. That there is virtually no Utility Token that is become of his promises, you are not should remain in at this point, however, is unmentioned.

The Blockchain is a technology that attempts to manufacture by complicated monetary incentive processes to reach a consensus on the transaction status and the set of rules within the network. The cases only a few application is a really a promising endeavor, shows the low penetration of the technology. Even ten years after Satoshi’s White Paper there is little mention of currencies values Use Cases outside of Crypto. Because at the core of a Blockchain is an extremely cumbersome, slow and inefficient database. To substitute efficiency in favor of decentralization, it is worth only for some very sensitive applications – such as money.

And so the Fight to Fame Blockchain is likely to be neither decentralised nor secure. Anyone looking for an example of the so-called Blockchain Washington, is here so find.


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