the The North Korean dissident group Cheollima Civil D efense (abbreviated: CCD) with a visa by the ERC-721 tokens in the Offensive. With the action the organization wants to collect money for the liberation of North Korea.
By Alex Roos
22. March 2019BTC$3.997,97 -0.49%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail
That the Blockchain can also be used in the administration, there is no longer a secret. Estonia is already a good example. However, in the case of the North Korean Cheollima Civil Defense, the Blockchain technology takes on a whole other shape.
G-Visa on the ETH Blockchain
On its Website, the CCD announced the award of 200,000 visas on the ETH Blockchain. From the 24. March, from 13 o’clock Central European time, sold the CCD, the G-visa for 1 ETH. The process is similar to a ICO. With the ERC-721 Standard for a Smart Contract assigns unique Visa. At the time of entry, the traveler would prove the control of his visa and, therefore, 45 days ‚ access to North Korea. Particularly adventurous travellers can also buy several Visa.
In this unconventional way, the CCD seeks financial support for the liberation of North Korea. Whether the Visa before the expiry of the validity 1. March 2029 coming into use is uncertain. Finally, Kim Jong-Un is still in North Korea. Nevertheless, the group explained to the „provisional government of Free Joseon“, where Joseon is the Name of the Kingdom was before the Kim family began their reign.
revolution funding via the Blockchain?
is the current location, visa is the purchase of a G-visa for „Free Joseon“ rather a donation for the CCD as the acquisition of a journey. In the context of the political situation in North Korea, this may seem quite appropriate.
On the Website, the CCD addressed the problems in North Korea. So the dissidents remind you of the
ruthless Regime, in the face of them – one of the journalists as political puppets, caught up, and no independent press of its own population does not tolerate.
you write,
the battle, are involved in the [CDD], not a political race between evenly matched, but the struggle of a small revolutionary group who risked their lives to fight against a totalitarian Regime, the concentration camp operates, the population enslaved and regularly counterparties and their families murdered.
Bitcoin, Blockchain and political potential
The North Korean Regime relies, however, on Blockchain or Bitcoin & co. Because, as we reported recently, everything seems to indicate that North Korea is stealing Bitcoin in order to evade, among other things, the sanctions of the United States of America. Similarly, Venezuela is currently. With your country’s own Petro-mapping, allegedly, in each case a barrel of Oil, defending it against political attacks on the part of the United States. Venezuela, in turn, is supported by Russian banks in the USA are now under sanctions. You can see clearly that The geopolitical Potential of crypto-currencies is also in government circles, popular.
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