

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has Bitcoin Full Node of course

the Jack Dorsey makes more vigorous advertising of the Blockchain and Bitcoin as the currency of the future. His latest achievement was...

#LNTrustChain: Delivery of the Lightning torch in the Iran – FUD remains

the To the trouble to wear the Lightning Torch up in Iran, show the boundaries of the Bitcoin Narrative of a censorship-resistant...

Bitcoin Lightning Network: block stream released Upgrade

the block stream has released an Upgrade to their Bitcoin scaling software C-Lightning, the works with the Lightning Network,. Thus, the company...

Hyperinflation in Venezuela – Helps Bitcoin to the people in the crisis?

the people in Venezuela are increasingly suffering under the political and economic crisis in the country. Again and again, is spoken in...

Square: balance sheet shows record sales with Bitcoin

the The payment service provider Square Inc. reached in the last quarter of last year, a record sales for Bitcoin transactions. In...

Proof of Nothing: Why Bitcoin Miner empty blocks propagate

the The number of empty blocks in the Bitcoin network is on the decline. Many of the Mining of empty blocks but...

Bitcoin is fundamentally on the rise

the in Spite of the supposed crypto-winter, the Bitcoin is fundamental in many ways as good as never. Many of the Charts...

These are the 5 major Bitcoin value proposition

the During the crypto-winter, it is worthwhile to always throw a critical view on the fundamental value of their Investments. Because the...

IBM’s Blockchain-VP Jesse Lund sees Bitcoin price in the long term, at a Million...

the John McAfee is not the Only one who holds a Bitcoin rates of one Million US dollars. Also Jesse Lund, of...

Tesla founder Elon Musk: Bitcoin is brilliant

the Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk considers Bitcoin for "brilliant". In his view, this could replace in the future, even paper...



The Impact of Higher Education on Fertility Rates: Longer Lifespan, Fewer...

The Impact of Higher Education on Fertility Rates: Longer Lifespan, Fewer ChildrenStatistik Austria recently released an analysis revealing the significant influence of education levels...

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