
The DAT will present important core themes at its trade show from 10 to 14 September at Automechanika.

Detection of damages with AI and Data Science

One central focus at Automechanika 2024 is the innovation themes of AI and Data Science. At the DAT main stand in Hall 11.0 C65, several ways of detecting damages will be shown:
• Vehicle scanner: A holistic process of image capture for the first time by a stationary scanner (provided by ADI), followed by automatic image recognition by DAT7XM, and repair cost calculation via FastTrackAI®.
• Guided image capture via smartphone: The basis for optimal photo quality has been completely redesigned and augmented with new features like augmented reality. Users receive specific instructions to capture optimal photos of vehicles and damages.
• Damage capture by voice input: With direct voice recognition, the new intelligent bot named „Silvie“ can capture repair scopes and transfer them directly to SilverDAT.


Another central theme is the new workshop mediation platform FabuCARFIX, which aims to make it easier for car owners to bring their cars to the workshop: According to DAT, it simplifies the workshop search for end consumers. Users can identify their vehicle and describe their needs in their own words without expertise just by entering the vehicle data. A editorial team translates this into specific repair orders, which are then offered to workshops near the car owner. The online platform FabuCARFIX is an initiative by DAT, FabuCar, the „Autodoktoren,“ and the ZDK.


The core product continues to grow: Access to numerous original repair manuals such as those from Ford is now possible via SilverDAT. In addition, the „State of Health“ (SoH) of the drive battery in electric cars can now be considered directly in the vehicle valuation. In addition, DAT has launched a research project to determine information on SoH based on telematics data.

Calculation and repair path

Thanks to Data Science and corresponding algorithms, SilverDAT automatically suggests suitable parts for repair cost calculation and finding the optimal repair path. The system takes into account parts that have been selected for similar repairs in the past. In the area of vehicle valuation, large amounts of data provide further refinement of vehicle values – even in the direct comparison of offer and actual transaction prices.

Classic vehicles

New databases for working with classic vehicles: The innovations at Automechanika are rounded off by DAT activities related to classic vehicles. DAT’s experts („DAT Expert Partners“) have extensive opportunities to evaluate cars older than 20 years and access to a new database of classic parts and their sources.

On the occasion of Automechanika, DAT will also publish a 64-page magazine that presents the innovations and focus themes. This magazine will be available in printed form at the DAT booth at Automechanika and as a PDF from August 15, 2024, at Further information on DAT’s presence, booth numbers, and workshops can also be found at