In a new study BitMEX sought, together with a token analyst Billanz of ICOs. It was all about, to find out whether ICOs have to suffer under the current course, the case of Ethereum. From the looks of it, have brought most of ICOs your already cashed in.

in 2017 was the year of the ICOs. Especially towards the end of the year scho new projects off the ground shooting everywhere. This promised new Token and promoted with a high efficiency. The Use Cases may have differences, but always wanted to be faster, more effective and especially more decentralized than the competition. The preferred crypto-currency and Blockchain came from Ethereum. In most of the projects you could invest only if you paid them with Ether. The last time in disgrace troubled Bitcoin exchange BitMEX has investigated in a study of the balance sheets of ICOs.

Ethereum gains secured

the focus of studies is to compare the value of the Ethereum Token to the end of 2017, with the current price. This BitMEX wanted to find out whether the ICOs have to suffer under the current Ethereum course.

The result: from the looks of it, most of the projects already cashed in. So strokes, according to the study, the majority of the ICOs their profits are already too high times of the Ethereum course.

In the study BitMex sought in cooperation with a token analyst a total of 222 ICO-projects. They have collected the ETH in the (then) equivalent of US $ 5.5 billion, sold mostly at a convenient time and, on average, of your costs covered. The ICOs according to the study, moreover, still nearly 25 percent of the original amount of Ethereum.

in The present Ether-course would have recorded the ICOs (on average) still make a profit of $ 93 million. The bulk of the Ether-Token, the ICOs accumulated prior to the rally last December. Thus, they were able to benefit during the course of the rally by exchange into Fiat currencies, without having to suffer afterwards greater losses.