the In September, 2017, in an article on Medium in which the Software developer Phil Wilson outed as one of three responsible designers of the Bitcoin Logos appeared. In addition to a precise guide on how to recreate the Logo with MS Paint, Wilson said, the symbolism around the BTC Logo. What is behind the world-famous currency symbol?

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The most Important is that Bitcoin is neither a protected Name or a protected brand. What is an Open-Source project like Bitcoin is an advantage and an invitation for everyone to participate, can have an impact here and there is also a disadvantage. An example of this is the Acquisition of of BCH-Evang Ver lists around Roger.

That you do not need to protect trademarks and symbols, however, always shows that the Bitcoin community agreed, seemingly all by itself on a BTC Logo. And one of the following:

established The iconic white B with the currency symbols of the typical vertical lines on an orange Background, as a Convention. This could be due to the fact that there’s an exact instructions of how each his or her own Bitcoin Logo on your home computer you can Tinker with. Open Source as it appears in the book. The manual is quite extensive, anyone who wants to implement this project, in fact, the article in the Original by Phil Wilson to heart.

Logo full of symbolism

in addition to the said instructions of the article is based on the Logo’s inherent symbolism. Thus, the oblique position of the Bitcoin Bs is not a coincidence: The „B“ in the Logo, namely a special meaning.

The number 8 looks relatively similar, thought Wilson. An eighth, however, is 12.5 percent. If you add 12.5% to infinity with itself and divides each of the summands to the Divisor 10, so you get around 14. Now guess, how much percentage has been rotated, the Bitcoin B on the Logo. Properly, exactly 14 degrees.

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the two vertical lines, the representation of the currency Bitcoin, are not continuous, but rather only at the edges of the Bs were placed is by no means a coincidence. So Wilson wanted to wipe the US Dollar – the world reserve currency – symbolic one. Because it acts on the Viewer like the Bitcoin B would have been placed on the Dollar-S, so displaced. The intended paradigm shift is the first indication in the Bitcoin Logo.

„I wanted the Symbol represents the global currency standard, the US Dollar, which has been replaced by Bitcoin“,

the Designer writes in the post.

Why the orange?

The Background of the logo is orange. You guessed: here, Too, the graphic artist something Specific in mind. In order for users to print the Logo both online can use, had to Wilson and co. the colour of the Background to CMYK values to define. These are zeugnissse Standard for Printing. Coined (pun intended) to CMYK you get the Bitcoin Orange for values of C: 0% M: 50% Y: 100% K: 0%.

It is a CMYK to be a value that is easy to memorize. So can conjure up everyone in the Nu, the BTC-Orange. 0, 50, 100, 0. .

That the choice of law on the orange fell, is, however, rather arbitrary. It looked beautiful and gives a certain signal effect, the deeper message, one searches in vain.

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it is Different with the size of the orange circle in the Background. This you have to zoom in, namely, to 525 per cent, so that it is scaled correctly. Why 525 Percent? Because of 12.5 (1/8) multiplied by 42 is equal to 525. Is logical or? By the way, 42 is the answer to all questions of life, the universe and all the Rest.

As her.

by the Way: The Bitcoin-to-Cash-a Symbol is tilted to the left. Ever say we didn’t warn you.

The current BTC price can be found here.