According to the content of a Webinar that has kept the Blockchain analysis company Chainalysis, miss need to conceal users of Bitcoin Mixer only in rare cases, illegal transactions. Only an average of eleven percent of the Mixing stock to come, therefore, from illegal activities such as the Darknet trading.

On the 27. August 2019BTC$10,171 in,57 -1.58%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin Mixer, the authorities difficulties. On the one hand, the call for privacy in liberal democracies, in the case of decision should not fall on deaf ears encounter. On the other hand, the solving of crimes like the illegal Darknet make Bitcoin Mixer as the best mixer of trade is difficult to impossible.

Because without the Mix of Coins through services such as Wasabi or Samurai Bitcoin is not anonymous, but pseudonymous. Investigators can view all the payment transactions on the Blockchain is transparent. As soon as a connection is to clear name in the analog world, is a blessing and a curse, and all payments – whether legal or illegal kind – are open.

for this reason, the Mixer becoming more and more popular, to the Regret of the authorities. Finally, they allow for the correct hand store, anonymous BTC to spend and. To be the allegedly excessive illegal use of BTC, Mr, get Bitcoin Mixer, therefore, for some time, more and more often in the crosshairs of the investigation authorities. So Dutch authorities have best mixer already on 24. May this year be switched off, as we reported.

Only 2.7 percent originate from the Darknet

However, the proportion of mixed Coins according to the Blockchain analysis company Chainalysis is relatively low. „Many people use the Mixer only for personal privacy,“ explains Hannah Curtis, Manager at Chainalysis. „We know, however, that is still a large amount of illegal money landing on mixers“, the report says.

to be precise, show the data of Chainalysis that only 8.1 percent of the mixed Satoshi’s come steels from the thief. Another 2.7 percent came from the Darknet Transfers. To sum up, it comes to only just under 11 per cent of mixed Coins, some of which go back to illegal business practices. In this light, the prohibition of best blender seems disproportionate.

The vast majority come simply from Exchanges. The motives to use BTC private, can be varied. As long as users of Finance with Bitcoin, however, no illegal practices, the use of mixers and Tumblers legitimate.

Before the Dutch FIOD best has turned off, mixed the service over 27,000 Coins.


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