anyone Who has wondered what happened to the Bitcoin exchange Crypto Capital, is now an answer. The chief of the crypto platform was recently taken in Poland. To him, money laundering is accused of in a big way. Also, the Bitcoin exchange Bitfinex should be involved in the machinations.

By Alexandra cons
26. October 2019BTC$9.179,70 -2.05%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

At Crypto Capital is a Bitcoin exchange that was already in the headlines. In the meantime, investigators have arrested the head of the company, Ivan Manuel Molina Lee, on charges of money laundering. The arrest was based on a European arrest warrant. According to the Polish newspaper, wPolityce, the authorities accuse the crypto-businessman is the intake of around 1.5 billion zlotys – the equivalent of 390 million US dollars. The money is to come from illegal sources. For example, from the cooperation with Colombian drug cartels, who have washed money through digital currencies. What does this have to do with the crypto-exchange Bitfinex to?

Crypto Capital: Bitcoin exchange as an accomplice in the drug business?

Before not too long time ago, the crypto-exchange Bitfinex in the United States stand before the court. Investigators accused the leaders of the Bitcoin exchange, to have funds in the amount of US $ 700 million from the sister company, Tether Limited, embezzled. At the same time irregularities in the transactions, and a connection to a company in Panama, Crypto Capital, fell. Before the court Bitfinex was not to make money transactions to be disclosed.

Well, investigators come from the other side. It certainly makes a good impression, and now also Crypto Capital into the negative spotlight is advised. But not only Bitfinex should have used the services of the dodgy platform. Also Binance, octopus and BitMEX to have Connections to the platform. At the same time a process against Crypto Capital runs. Bifinex would like to receive around 880 million US dollars, which were stored at Crypto Capital. But since all of the accounts of the company in Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States are frozen, is no longer the money available. May be it is the allegedly misappropriated money to the amount stored in Bitfinex with Crypto Capital.

The accusations have no end

previously, Molina, Lee had to face a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of justice. He should have made Bitcoin companies secretly Bank accounts. The Polish Prosecutor’s office in front of a chaotic information mountain:

This is the largest effort of the Polish public Prosecutor’s office, to secure losses associated with illegal activities, is looks. The arrest was a collaboration between Polisha and international special forces. The procedure was carried out by prosecutors of the lower Silesian Department of the Ministry for organized crime and corruption of the Prosecutor’s office in wrocław, as well as officials who have worked closely with the services of Europol, Interpol and the United States, including the DEA, together.

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It remains unclear what exactly is going on behind the crypto-Scenes. After the arrest of Molina, Lee is likely to change soon.


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