The „Telekom Austria“, A1 Telekom Austria, enables customers since the 19th century. August the to Pay with crypto-currencies. The field test in the Austrian TelCo market leader, in collaboration with the FinTech Start-up Salamantek and will be initially carried out in seven selected A1-branches.

By Christopher clover
20. August 2019BTC$of 10,617,01 -1.05%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

crypto-savvy Austrians should rejoice: Since the 19th century. August you can pay in selected branches of the Austrian TelCo market leader, A1 Telekom Austria with Bitcoin & co. This is from a press release, the BTC-ECHO is present. The introduction of the new payment option will be done in cooperation with the Austrian FinTech Start-up Salamantex. Salamentex provides both the Software and the Hardware for the Bitcoin POS solution available. The field test is to A1 Payments, the payment service of the Austrian communication provider to crypto-currencies expand. The with Bitcoin & co. will Pay since the 19th century. August in the following A1-branches possible:

of Vienna – kärntner straße Wien Mitte – The MallNiederösterreich – Krems Bühl center Steiermark – Graz Herrengasse Tirol – Innsbruck Kaufhaus Tyrol Salzburg Euro Park, upper Austria – Linz road bitcoin acceptance makes A1 no Hodler

As with most releases of the brand „XY accepts Bitcoin payments“, however, requires the Bitcoin-acceptance by A1 differentiation. Because what ends up at the end of the account of the Austrian telecommunications market leader, is not BTC, but the Euro. Bitcoin payments from customers converted, the POS system automatically in Euro. What could cause crypto-purists ideologically motivated criticism, has for the traders, however, have a solid advantage. By the direct conversion of Bitcoin into Euro of business are immune to driving in front of the sometimes very strong volatility of the crypto-currencies.

That Markus Schreiber, responsible for Business Marketing at A1:

The trade with crypto currencies and the acceptance of crypto-currencies, a payment terminal stresses. Clear answer: no, there is no risk of price fluctuation in our Service – neither for the client nor for the merchant. A customer paid with a crypto currency, so the payment will be offered with a value of, for example, 100 Euro to a current crypto-exchange value and keeps for a short limited period of its validity (under 1 Minute). Our Service and our partners handle the exchange. The dealer gets always guaranteed its 100 Euro. The confirmation takes too long, is generated, the exchange rate is invalid, a new exchange rate that applies to a limited number,

so the writers in an Interview with the company’s own A1 editorial team.

Increased demand, especially among Asian tourists.

Therein Schreiber is also reflected to the target audience for the new payment option. In addition to retailers, were not able to fulfil customer requests, to date, is also the development of new customer groups in the foreground. Especially in the case of Asian tourists, Schreiber observed the growing desire to pay with Bitcoin & co.

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