
Weather Forecast for Monday: Stormy Weather at Night – Sultriness Subsides Afterwards | wetter.com

The new week kicks off with a stormy low-pressure system overnight on Monday, bringing rain showers and thunderstorms to the south. By day, the rain subsides in the south but thunderstorms are possible in the west.

In the night leading to Monday, a stormy low-pressure system crosses the Alps, triggering widespread rain showers and locally heavy thunderstorms with intense rainfall in the sultry air south of the Danube and in the Bavarian Forest. As the system moves away, the sultriness in the south of Germany will also dissipate. Meanwhile, a low-pressure system with its front system moves into the northwest.

**Weather Report for Germany on Monday, 10.06.2024**
During the night into Monday, rain is expected south of the Danube. Rainfall amounts range from 10 to 30 liters per square meter, with some thunderstorms seeing up to around liters per square meter. Apart from a few light showers on the coasts, it will be mostly dry. The minimum temperatures range from 14 degrees in Passau to 3 degrees in higher Eifel valleys.

On Monday, the 10th of June 2024, the rain in southeastern Bavaria will taper off by noon, and the clouds will break here. From Breisgau across Franconia to Saxony and on the island of Rügen, it will be mostly dry and partly sunny.

**Weather in Germany: What to Expect from Tuesday Onwards**
In the following days, rain is expected mainly south of the Danube and near the coast, occasionally accompanied by lightning and thunder. In the central regions, it will often be dry with some sunshine. In the early morning hours, there may be localized ground frost in the mountain valleys, with afternoon temperatures ranging between 13 and 19 degrees mid-week.

By Friday, it will be dry and partly sunny in the east and south at around 24 degrees, while the west and north will see regional rain at around 20 degrees.

Over the weekend, expect a mix of sun and thick clouds. In the sultry and unstable air, locally heavy showers and thunderstorms are possible, with the focus likely in the south.

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Stay tuned for more weather updates and news on climate.