
Tonight, it will be cloudy with occasional light rain, with temperatures dropping to 6°C. The wind will be a light to moderate southwest wind with gusty winds. On Monday, it will be mostly cloudy with dry weather expected, with the possibility of light rain later on. The temperature will rise to up to 10°C. Tomorrow, Monday, it will be mostly cloudy with dry weather expected, but there may be light rain later in the day. The highest temperatures will range between 10°C in Finkenwerder and 11°C in Neuwiedenthal (Hamburg). The wind will be a light breeze from the southwest with moderate gusts. Tuesday night will be mostly cloudy and dry, with temperatures dropping to 1°C. It will be calm without any wind.

Looking ahead, on Tuesday, it will be partly to mostly cloudy with dry weather expected, and the temperature will reach 11°C. There will be a light to moderate northeast wind with fresh gusts. On Wednesday, thick clouds will roll in with dry weather expected, becoming cloudy at night. Temperatures will reach 13°C, with a weak to moderate east wind with strong gusts.

In the past 20 years, the average temperature in Hamburg on this day was 14 degrees. On October 14th of last year, the daytime temperature was 17°C, and 5 years ago, it was 18°C. On this day last year, there was rainfall measuring 16 mm, while exactly 5 years ago, there was rainfall measuring 4 mm. In the previous 20 years, the rainfall on October 13th was 2 mm. (Weather data: DWD, Analysis:

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