
The night no longer offers much cover, not even for a tank: Ukrainian drones are showcasing their skills through trained pilots and Artificial Intelligence.

„Our pilots have demonstrated the highest level of skill,“ boasted the military drone department of Ukraine – as reported by Forbes. The magazine reports on the successful use of an FPV drone (First-Person-View) against a Russian „turtle tank“. With two grenades, Vladimir Putin’s behemoth is said to have been taken out. The first grenade broke through the vehicle’s additional armor, while the second was guided under the tracks. The highlight of the operation: it took place at night, according to Forbes.

The drone remains the focal point of the war: a Ukrainian soldier prepares a drone for an attack on Russian positions. Soon, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, they will be able to recognize and target individual soldiers. Remarkably, Ukraine seems to have engaged a Russian tank using the very means it was built to defend against. Additionally, separate unmanned systems appear to be accelerating the technological advancement of the Ukrainian army, as repeatedly emphasized by Mykhailo Fedorov. According to the Ukrainian Minister for Digital Transformation, the country’s drones have „fundamentally changed the situation on the battlefield,“ as cited by Forbes.

The competence of drone pilots is now more in demand than ever in Ukraine. The country now has a drone academy, as reported by the Kyiv Post. The training grounds include an obstacle course with tunnels, tires, barriers, and moving cage vehicles, where pilots learn to fly over, around, and through objects, overcome jammers and electronic warfare attacks, and track, hunt, and hit moving targets.

The future seems to be a hunt for turtle tanks as a prelude to what will be possible in the future. The innovation of drones is said to complement and ultimately replace the individual skills of the pilot. „Artificial Intelligence in the onboard processor of an FPV can recognize the outlines of a person and automatically control the drone in the final seconds of the flight, when aiming is most difficult for many operators,“ writes Forbes author David Axe.

Moreover, the Ukraine has shifted its focus to nighttime attacks since the end of last year. Particularly, the Nemesis group is known for this, writes Forbes – Nemesis stands in mythology for the goddess of righteous anger and retribution. Ukrainian soldiers are becoming more active at night with drones equipped with infrared cameras, opening up the view to moving targets.

The NATO seems to have recognized the seriousness of the situation. As the Reuters news agency reports, the North Atlantic Defense Alliance has recently conducted a drone exercise in the Netherlands to train in anticipation of a possible future conflict through Ukraine.

The article mentions the importance of drone pilots in modern warfare, likening them to snipers due to their ability to operate in the dark and remain hidden from view. They are described as vital for both sides in terms of multiplying power for one’s own forces and delivering a blow to the morale of opponents. The article also addresses the potential shift from skilled drone pilots to Artificial Intelligence taking over, as evidenced by a recent incident where a drone unexpectedly crashed onto a lone Russian soldier, resulting in his death.

In conclusion, the advancement of drone technology in Ukraine is changing the landscape of modern warfare. With the support of a drone academy and ongoing training programs, the country is positioning itself as a leader in drone warfare. The collaboration with other countries, such as France, for the establishment of a drone pilot training center further cements Ukraine’s role in shaping the future of military drone operations.