
High Voter Turnout in Parchim, Lübz, Plau, and Goldberg During Election Day

The recent election day on Sunday saw a significant turnout in the regions of Parchim, Lübz, Plau am See, and Goldberg. Voter participation was relatively high, ranging between 50 and 70 percent. In the European elections, the AfD garnered the most votes in many municipalities, following closely behind the CDU. The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) also received substantial support, surpassing the SPD in many areas. The results of the district and municipal elections were still being tallied as of the editorial deadline. By 9 p.m., preliminary results showed that the CDU was either ahead of or neck and neck with the AfD in the Parchim editorial area for the district council elections. However, the final outcome remained uncertain as counting continued late into the night.

Long Lines at Polling Stations

Election volunteers were kept busy on Sunday, with long queues forming shortly after the polling stations opened. By midday, the waiting time at the polling station in the Pestalozzi School in Parchim was approximately half an hour. „It’s been like this since this morning,“ remarked one election volunteer. Towards the evening, the waiting times decreased. „It took me ten minutes,“ stated a voter who cast his ballot at the town hall in Parchim just after 5:30 p.m. This election day also marked the first time Tom Viehstädt participated as an election volunteer. Alongside his six experienced colleagues, he had been on duty since the early hours of the morning. „It’s very interesting to experience an election from the other side. We had a few peak times, but everything went smoothly,“ he mentioned before the counting began at 6 p.m. „The stress depended on the rush; there were situations where every hand was needed,“ agreed election supervisor Tino Krellenburg.

No Fear of Counting

At 5:59 p.m., the last voter arrived to cast their ballot. Subsequently, the team proceeded with the counting. „I’m not afraid of that. We get along well, and there’s a great atmosphere,“ shared Tom Viehstädt, who had volunteered for the ASB in Boizenburg for four years. The election volunteers no longer needed a fresh cup of coffee before starting the count. The election supervisors from the Eldenburg-Lübz, Plau am See, and Goldberg-Mildenitz offices reported no incidents. The election day proceeded smoothly and without any issues in these regions. „The election in Plau am See proceeded as usual, smoothly and without any discrepancies,“ affirmed Plau’s election supervisor Eckehard Salewski, echoing similar sentiments from Nadine Hansch of the Goldberg-Mildenitz office and Michael Reinsch of the Eldenburg-Lübz office.