
In the face of impending floods, taking essential steps to protect your home, environment, and life can make a significant difference. While it may be challenging to prevent flooding itself, being prepared can help mitigate its impact. When flood warnings are issued for your region, there is often time to take action.

Essential Steps to Prepare for Floods:

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) advises visiting a hardware store if there is enough time before the flood hits. Stock up on essential supplies like sandbags, plywood boards, waterproof plywood, and silicone to seal windows, doors, and other openings to prevent water from entering your home. It’s crucial to act swiftly to minimize damage to your property.

Before the water levels rise, check if you have backflow valves in your basement to prevent sewage backup. Inspect your basement for hazardous materials and chemicals that could contaminate the floodwater. Secure items like heating oil tanks to prevent them from floating away. Additionally, turn off electrical appliances in rooms at risk of flooding to reduce the risk of electrical accidents during inundation. If necessary, switch off the main power supply in your home.

Move valuable items such as furniture, tools, and electronics to higher floors to protect them from water damage. If you live in a low-lying area prone to flooding, consider relocating your car to a safe location. Lastly, it’s crucial to avoid staying in the basement during a flood as rising water levels can pose a serious threat to your safety.

For more information on personal flood preparedness, visit the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance website at

Emergency Supplies and Preparedness:

In light of recent flood events in countries like Austria, Poland, and the Czech Republic, Fritz-Helge Voß from the Bavarian branch of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) emphasized the importance of having emergency supplies. Given the possibility of power outages in flood-prone areas, it’s essential to stock up on necessary items for survival.

Ensure you have an ample supply of food and water for each person, with the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance recommending at least 2 liters of fluids per day per individual. This includes water, fruit juice, and other long-lasting beverages. Don’t forget to account for your pets‘ needs in your emergency provisions.

Prepare a first aid kit with prescribed medications, pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medication, anti-nausea medication, a thermometer, tweezers, disinfectants, gloves, masks, and bandages. Include a battery-operated or crank radio, power banks for charging smartphones, a flashlight, and a gas-powered camping stove for cooking.

Keep important documents such as IDs, certificates, diplomas, contracts, and other vital paperwork in a waterproof container. Being organized and prepared can make a significant difference in times of crisis.

For more guidance on emergency supplies, first aid kits, emergency essentials, document storage, and more, visit the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance website at

Preparing for floods requires proactive measures and readiness to safeguard your home and loved ones. By taking these essential steps and being well-prepared for emergencies, you can effectively mitigate the impact of floods and protect your well-being. Stay informed, stay prepared, and stay safe.