
Germany is facing a challenge on how to manage immigration effectively while maintaining a restrictive asylum policy. Border controls are seen as a key measure to limit irregular migration, with the coalition government planning to continue strict controls at Germany’s external borders. However, the effectiveness of border controls in preventing illegal immigration is questioned, especially at the border with Austria, where only one out of 21 possible crossing points has a stationary checkpoint.

The overwhelmed state of the immigration authorities is evident in the struggles faced by the Ausländerämter (foreigners‘ offices) in processing asylum applications. The Migrationsagentur in Naumburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, aims to streamline the process by bringing together all relevant authorities in one place. However, the backlog of asylum applications still persists, with cases taking several months to be processed.

The burden on local authorities to accommodate refugees is reaching its limits, with many municipalities facing challenges in providing adequate support. In response to the shortcomings of the state, businesses are stepping in to help integrate refugees into the job market. Companies like the painting company in Niedersachsen are setting up training centers to offer language courses and legal advice to migrants.

The introduction of the „Chancen-Aufenthaltsgesetz“ (Opportunities Residence Act) by the federal government aims to provide a pathway to permanent residency for the approximately 194,000 individuals living in Germany with a tolerated status. This law allows for a trial period of legal residence for 18 months, during which certain criteria must be met for a permanent residency permit to be granted.

While the Chancen-Aufenthaltsgesetz is a step in the right direction for integrating migrants into society and the workforce, more comprehensive political instruments are needed to address the challenges posed by immigration. The state’s inability to effectively implement existing measures highlights the importance of collaborative efforts between businesses, government agencies, and civil society to manage immigration effectively. By working together, Germany can navigate the complexities of immigration policy while ensuring the successful integration of migrants into society.