
The lighthouse keeper of Wangerooge: He landed Germany’s most coveted job!

When it comes to news that moves, RTL News is the most impactful journalistic unit for cross-media news, infotainment, investigative journalism, and documentary entertainment in Germany. The RTL NEWS GmbH brings together all journalistic areas of RTL Deutschland under one roof. The company employs around 750 journalists at 24 locations in Germany and abroad. Highly specialized support departments within RTL NEWS produce over 20 hours of TV content daily for the news and magazines of the channels RTL, VOX, and ntv. This includes news programs such as „RTL Aktuell“ and „RTL Nachtjournal,“ magazines like „Guten Morgen Deutschland,“ „Punkt 12,“ „Explosiv,“ „Exclusiv,“ and „Extra,“ as well as investigative formats like „Team Wallraff“ and other documentaries and reports for RTL, VOX, and ntv.

Additionally, the online editors of RTL NEWS provide comprehensive information on the online platforms of RTL Deutschland, producing content for RTL.de, ntv.de, VOX.de, and the „Verticals“ sport.de, VIP.de, wetter.de, and kochbar.de. The leading German streaming service RTL+ is also supplied with content from RTL News. The journalistic offerings of RTL NEWS GmbH reach over 26 million people daily, delivering reliable infotainment, investigative journalism, and documentary entertainment for both domestic and international audiences.

Established on February 1, 2021, RTL NEWS GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of RTL Deutschland with its headquarters in Cologne-Deutz. RTL News is led by CEO Stephan Schmitter, who is also the CEO of RTL Radio Deutschland and Head of Audio at RTL Deutschland. In addition to him, Martin Gradl takes on the role of deputy management and is also the editor-in-chief of the magazines.

With a focus on providing news from politics, economics, sports, and the world of celebrities, expertly researched and presented in a clear and concise manner, RTL News also covers current lifestyle topics, as well as weather and climate news. The dedication of RTL News to delivering high-quality journalism and engaging content has solidified its position as a trusted source of information for millions of viewers and readers every day.