
Hans Sarpei discusses his challenging experiences in new RTL-Zwei series

In the RTL-Zwei documentary series „Abgestempelt?! Hans Sarpei will’s wissen“, former football professional Hans Sarpei delves into societal problems, explores the backgrounds, and tries to help. The two new episodes focus on the topics of youth crime and Crystal Meth. We spoke with Hans Sarpei before the broadcast about the new episodes of „Abgestempelt?! Hans Sarpei will’s wissen“.

In an interview, Hans Sarpei shares his experiences during the filming, discusses the challenges with criminal youth and drug addicts, and explains his perspective. He talks about the reasons behind addressing youth crime and Crystal Meth in the new episodes of the series.

Sarpei reflects on the difficulties faced by the youth he encountered during the filming, the lack of support available, and the impact of societal influences on criminal behavior. He highlights the importance of intervention and support for at-risk individuals to prevent further escalation of criminal activities.

The emotional toll of witnessing the struggles of the youth, particularly Jeramy, who was abandoned by his family, weighs heavily on Sarpei. As a father himself, he empathizes with the significance of family support for children and acknowledges the lasting impact of such experiences.

Despite the challenges faced by the individuals featured in the series, Sarpei remains hopeful for their future. He emphasizes the need for continued support and intervention to guide them towards a better path.

The episode on Crystal Meth sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding drug addiction and the complexities of overcoming substance abuse. Sarpei reflects on the difficulties faced by individuals trying to break free from the cycle of addiction and the importance of empathy and understanding in supporting their recovery.

Looking ahead, Sarpei expresses interest in exploring more topics related to societal issues and youth welfare in future episodes of the series. He remains committed to raising awareness and offering support to those in need.

The latest episode of „Abgestempelt?! Hans Sarpei will’s wissen“ airs on Tuesday, June 11th, at 8:15 PM on RTL ZWEI.