
Title: Health Alert: Popular Sweetener Can Apparently Trigger Heart Problems

Content: Too much sugar is harmful to our body. Many people therefore turn to alternatives like birch sugar. But researchers are now warning against the substitute. Artificial sweeteners are generally seen as the healthy alternative for those who want or need to avoid sugar. But are they really as harmless as we think? A new study by the renowned Cleveland Clinic in the USA shows: The popular sweetener Xylitol, also known as birch sugar, could become a health risk.

Artificial sweeteners like Xylitol have been classified as safe by health authorities in the USA and the European Union. Several professional societies even recommend them explicitly for people with overweight, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases. In addition, sugar substitutes are said to have a caries-inhibiting effect.

However, the new study led by Dr. Marco Witkowski, a cardiologist at the German Heart Center of Charité (DHZC), has found: High Xylitol levels in the blood can significantly increase the risk of serious cardiovascular diseases and strokes.

Xylitol is a so-called sugar alcohol used as a low-calorie sweetener in various foods and beverages. In the food industry, Xylitol is valued because it improves the texture, moisture, and shelf life of products without leaving an aftertaste like other sweeteners. It is therefore sold in large quantities and promoted as a „natural sweetener“ because it is also found in small amounts in fruits or vegetables and can be produced by the body.

The researchers analyzed blood samples from more than 3,300 patients with cardiovascular diseases and observed them over a period of three years. The result was clear: Participants with high Xylitol concentrations in the blood experienced significantly more strokes, heart attacks, or deaths.

This connection could be further confirmed: In laboratory experiments as well as in tests with healthy study participants, it was shown that Xylitol increases the reactivity of blood platelets – a process that promotes the formation of blood clots and thus can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Specifically, it was found that the risk of serious heart diseases was increased by 57 percent with elevated Xylitol levels in the blood.

„Our research points to potential risks of Xylitol and shows that sweeteners are not necessarily the harmless sugar alternative they are often thought to be. Especially for people with existing cardiovascular risks, consuming Xylitol could pose additional health hazards,“ said a press release from the German Heart Center at Charité.

„It is important for consumers to be aware of these risks and reconsider their consumption of these sweeteners. If in doubt, they should consult their doctor or nutritionist,“ said study author Witkowski.

Given the widespread use of Xylitol in foods and oral care products, the study authors believe it is important to further investigate the potential health risks. In conclusion, it is crucial for individuals to be mindful of the potential dangers associated with high Xylitol consumption and make informed choices about their sweetener intake.