
Europawahl im TV: Diese Sendungen gibt es am Sonntag

The European elections of 2024 will be extensively covered by various TV channels on Sunday, June 9th. Live broadcasts, election analyses, roundtable discussions – here is an overview of the program.

German television channels will provide comprehensive coverage of the European elections 2024 on Sunday (June 9th): The live coverage is available both on linear TV and online through the respective media libraries, apps, and internet offerings of the channels. The program on election Sunday is outlined as follows:

**Europawahl 2024 im Ersten**
**Europawahl 2024 im ZDF**
**Europawahl 2024 bei Phoenix**
**Europawahl 2024 bei ntv**
**Europawahl 2024 bei Welt TV**
**Europawahl 2024 bei Arte**

**Europawahl 2024 im Ersten**
– 14.35 – 15.05 Uhr: „Europamagazin“
– 17.30 – 20 Uhr: „Wahl 2024: Europawahl“
– 20 – 20.20 Uhr: „Tagesschau“ with a focus on Europawahl 2024
– 20.40 – 23 Uhr: „Caren Miosga“
– 23 – 23.20 Uhr: „Tagesthemen“ with a focus on Europawahl 2024
– 23.20 Uhr: „Wahl 2024: Europawahl“

The First German Television broadcasts the „Europamagazin“ in the afternoon with Tina Hassel. The program will feature segments on various topics and individuals of interest. The live show will also include former Luxembourgish Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn and former Secretary-General of the EU Parliament, Klaus Welle.

At 5:30 pm, live coverage from Berlin will commence. Ellen Ehni will moderate, Jörg Schönenborn will present forecasts, exit polls, and results from Infratest dimap. The new head of the ARD Capital Studio, Markus Preiß, will analyze the federal political relevance. Tina Hassel, the ARD Studio Manager in the European Studio Brussels, will capture reactions from the EU Parliament.

After the 8 pm „Tagesschau,“ the ARD television will feature live blocks from the European Athletics Championships in Rome. Sunday talk show host Caren Miosga will be on air from 8:40 pm – with interruptions for the European Championships until 11 pm. On „Caren Miosga,“ guests will discuss the election results and their implications. After the „Tagesthemen,“ there will be another live hour at 11:20 pm at the ARD Capital Studio.

– ARD Mediathek

**Europawahl 2024 in Grafiken: Umfragen und Ergebnisse**
Approximately 350 million citizens will vote for a new EU Parliament. Germany will vote on June 9th. Here we present the latest polls and inform you about the results on election day.

**Europawahl 2024 im ZDF**
**Sendetermine im TV:**
– 17.35 – 19 Uhr: „Europawahl 2024“
– 19 – 19.30 Uhr: „heute“ News with a focus on Europawahl 2024
– 21.45 – 22.15 Uhr: „heute journal“ with a focus on Europawahl 2024

The ZDF will broadcast live from its election studio in Berlin from 5:35 pm to 7 pm and from 10:15 pm to 11:15 pm. ZDF Editor-in-Chief Bettina Schausten will lead the evening. Party researcher Karl-Rudolf Korte will provide expertise. Guests in the ZDF election studio will include Katarina Barley (SPD), David McAllister (CDU), Terry Reintke (Greens), and Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW).

Correspondents in seven European capitals and the European Parliament will be ready for live reports on how the elections are perceived in the member states. The elections will also be covered in the news programs „heute“ (7 pm – 7:30 pm) and „heute journal“ (9:45 pm – 10:15 pm). All numbers and projections will be provided by Christian Sievers and the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen. The ZDF will also focus on local elections in Saxony and Thuringia.

– ZDF Mediathek

**Europawahl 2024 bei Phoenix**
**Sendetermine im TV:**
– from 5 pm: „phoenix vor ort“
– 8:30 – 9:15 pm: „phoenix wahlrunde“

The channel by ARD and ZDF will air its special program „phoenix vor ort“ from 5 pm to midnight, with live broadcasts from Brussels, Warsaw, Rome, and Paris. Eva Lindenau will moderate. In the „phoenix wahlrunde“ from 8:30 to 9:15 pm, journalists Katharina Hamberger (Deutschlandfunk), Stephan-Andreas Casdorff (Editor-in-Chief of „Der Tagesspiegel“), and Eckart Lohse („Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“) will discuss the outcome of the European Parliament elections.


Stay tuned for more updates on the coverage of the Europawahl 2024 on ntv, Welt TV, and Arte.