
In Swiss gastronomy, fish restaurants often deceive their customers with misleading origin information and false statements. Experts are now calling for stricter laws. From Lake Constance to Lake Biel, fish restaurants are reported to provide ambiguous origin information and false promises to their guests, as reported by „SonntagsBlick.“

An example from the Bernese Oberland showed that a guild restaurant above Lake Thun offers „perch from the lake“ on the menu, but the fish are not from Lake Thun, but from Poland. Since the origin declaration for crispy fish is voluntary, the authorities must accept it.

Adrian Gerny, President of the Zurich Professional Fishermen, and Martin Brunner, Cantonal Chemist in the Canton of Zurich, criticize this practice. „People come up with all sorts of rubbery declarations to lead their guests astray,“ says Gerny. This confusion is possible because fish are subject to less strict labeling rules than other foods.

„For processed fishery products in open sales, such as in gastronomy, there are no legal requirements in Switzerland for written indication of origin,“ says Brunner.

Gerny and Brunner are calling for stricter laws on fish labeling to improve transparency for consumers and prevent misunderstandings. In order to enhance consumer protection and prevent misinformation in the seafood industry, it is crucial to establish clear guidelines for fish origin labeling.

Consumers should be able to trust the information provided by restaurants and have the right to know where their food comes from. By implementing stricter regulations, authorities can ensure that fish restaurants are held accountable for the accuracy of their origin claims.

In conclusion, the call for stricter laws regarding fish labeling in Swiss gastronomy is essential to protect consumers and promote transparency in the food industry. Customers deserve to know the truth about the origin of the fish they are consuming, and it is the responsibility of authorities to enforce regulations that uphold this right. Through increased transparency and accountability, the trust between restaurants and their guests can be strengthened, leading to a more honest and reliable dining experience for everyone involved.