
CDU Hosts Exchange for European Parliament Elections in Rönshausen Civic Center

The CDU hosted an evening of exchange regarding the upcoming European Parliament elections. The event took place on Thursday and featured Manfred Pentz, the Hessian State Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs, and Decentralization as the guest of honor. The event, held at the Rönshausen Civic Center in Eichenzell, brought together members of the CDU Eichenzell and the JU Eichenzell to discuss the upcoming elections.

Opening the event with an impulse speech, Manfred Pentz addressed the pressing issues of democracy, freedom, and security. Highlighting topics such as decentralization, security, and prosperity, Pentz emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine in its fight for freedom. Drawing from personal experiences of war, Pentz stressed the significance of solidarity and the role of the EU in promoting peace and stability.

Discussing the potential impact of the elections on Hessen’s prosperity, Pentz underscored the economic interdependence of Germany and the European Union. With 75% of Hessen’s exports going to the EU, Pentz emphasized the need for a strong and resilient Europe to secure the region’s prosperity. He also touched upon the challenges posed by global economic shifts and the need for Germany to maintain its competitiveness in the international market.

Addressing the issue of decentralization within the EU, Sebastian Müller, a CDU member, questioned the Minister about the EU’s ability to refocus on essential tasks and reduce bureaucracy. Pentz expressed his confidence in the EU’s capacity for reform and highlighted the importance of promoting individual responsibility and reducing bureaucratic hurdles.

In his closing remarks, Pentz urged the audience not only to vote but also to actively advocate for a pro-European agenda. Emphasizing the need for a strong rule of law and respect for state institutions, Pentz called for a collective effort to build a safer and more secure Europe. The event was moderated by Simon Jestädt, the Chairman of the Eichenzell CDU Municipal Association, and attended by various local officials and representatives.

As the European Parliament elections draw near, the exchange hosted by the CDU in Rönshausen serves as a platform for engaging discussions on the future of Europe and the role of individual citizens in shaping the continent’s destiny. With a focus on democracy, security, and prosperity, the event highlighted the importance of active participation in the democratic process and the shared responsibility of building a stronger and more united Europe.