It’s the old Stockholm and meet the new ones. Or, at any rate, it halvnya. The photo was taken in June, 1973, the White mountains, the old träkåkar in the foreground. Or what’s left of them after the construction of the Sofia, the church of god for 70 years in the past. The church was built on the park’s highest point at 46 m above sea level.

< Skatteskrapan, the White mountains, and a Renault 4 – the three big shots of the same image, on the island of Södermalm in Stockholm, sweden. Photo credit: Jan Delden
however, It is not the highest point to which it is possible to read the text on the back of the unit. Well Skinnarviksberget, which Fiskargatan on Mosebacke hill is the higher, and even if it is, we are only in the same town, the history and cultural heritage.

Skatteskrapan of 1959, as is seen in the background, competing at the height of the White mountains, it is also to be read on the reverse side. Well, utkonkurrerar is probably a better word, and that of 24 of the original floors, which can be seen here. In 2007, added two more floors and the building measures in the day with 86 yards. In the course of the renovation, moved in to the tax authorities of the building and the students, and the trade took place a place.

this is a Renault 4, a car that was launched two years after the headquarters of jeansbyxan as a role model. The car would be a modern and workable as it was, by the time the rich and the available space. The front-wheel drive, ”paraplyväxelspak” in the dashboard, and the soft suspension is made of for the comfort.

the first as with the Mini, bmc mini, popularly known as, is a modebil, and the symbol of the popgenerationen. It was a antibil, and it was probably the majority of the owners in passing, that the distance between the axles on the right side and the left side was not so far away.

and He, after the model of the more luxurious version of the 4. The car also had the label ”skrytbil” for a well known advertising campaign, crafted by Alf Mork, who at the same time made as the classic campaign is for a medium beer – ”it has become a relief.”

One of the ads meant that the Renault 4 was made to be a better person. If it is in the day, mean a lower carbon footprint that is indeed the case.

the Car in the picture is indeed long gone, but the registration number lives on in one of it’s gas-powered articulated buses.

for more information, see More pictures of the older cars.