the Airline, the SAS group reduced capacity on routes in Europe and Scandinavia, and as a result of lower demand in the wake of the new coronavirus.

However, the company will also carry out further measures in order to reduce costs, including staff costs.

– As a result of the outbreak of the covid-19, and any of the global measures taken to limit the spread of the virus, the demand for international air travel been affected, “ says Annamatz.

“ to/from the republic of china, will be the SAS group is also to set up flights to Hong kong from the 5th of march.

in the SAS, according to dagens nyheter, that the situation may involve lay-offs, leaves of absence, advance, pension or any other initiative.

”in view of the continuing uncertainty about the outbreak and its impact on the demand for travel, the pull, the SAS returned to the guidance given to the market on 5 december 2019, for the fiscal year 2019/2020,” the company said.

on The 5th of december 2019, the predicted SAS with an operating margin before non-recurring items, of 3 to 5% for the financial year 2019/20. As recently as last week, on the 26th of February, and reiterated this forecast is subject to coronautbrottet is limited, and that the SAS are able to resume normal production ahead of the summer season.

it is too early to make a reasonable estimate of the impact on the company’s operations and financial performance and, therefore, it is not possible to give a more detailed view.

In the short term, this results in a reduced capacity for the lower-airline-related costs like fuel, airport charges, and other charges. The well-to-shoot-up of projects related to marketing and promotions.

the Airline, It has no plans to cancel flights as a result of the coronautbrottet, but the ”flying as normal”, says communications manager, Charlotte Holmbergh Jacobsson to news agency Reuters.

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in the Video, The new coronavirusets of the problem in the world.