After Thursday’s genomklappning on Wall Street following the asian stock markets, following in the öppningshandeln on Friday. Afraid of the new coronavirus, with the event of cancellation, reduction in production and a decline in consumption with a reduction of the global recession is selling to investors shares at a furious pace.

for the Nikkei index at the tokyo stock exchange) fell in the opening trade, with, at most, 10 per cent, and not a single share of stock in the index rose in value. In the afternoon, and turned the numbers back up again, and is down 6.7%.

as it fell by over 7 per cent, and in Hong kong, went to the Hang Seng index down by around 5 per cent.

in a Similar case, has not been seen since the Lehman Brothers ‚ bankruptcy shocked the global economy in 2008 led to the global financial and economic crisis.

the Fall in Asia after Thursday’s carnage on Wall Street where the Dow Jones dropped by 10 per cent, its worst day since black Monday in 1987.

Traders reacted to Donald Trump’s chockbesked to stop air travel in Europe. The Federal Reserve, the European central bank and the bank of japan pumping liquidity in the market so far has not reassured investors, who worried that the new coronavirus will have a significant impact on the global economy.

for more information: Dan Lucas: The börsraset in modern times, in spite of counter-measures.