a Total of 24 people in Sweden were diagnosed as infected with the disease, covid-19. This means that the number of infected has increased to ten persons, then, for the past year.

as the Western Region is the number of the infected in the top of the diamond. The three västsvenskar, which has now been confirmed to carry the infection, have any illness with respiratory symptoms, type, region Västra Götaland, VGR, in a press release.

„They’ve been travelling in the north of Italy, and it makes the smittspårningen, to a certain extent, is shared, in their case, however, for privacy reasons, we do not go out when the three returned home, and of how sick they once were,“ says county medical officer Christopher Ockborn to the ROTOR.

it has a total of nine persons have been tested positive for the new coronavirus. In four of these cases were confirmed on Tuesday. The people must have recourse to the health care sector, and said that they had been at the ski resorts in the north of Italy and, subsequently, are ill with respiratory symptoms and a fever.

“ They’ve been in all the provinces in which they have had an active infection. They all have minor complaints. We expect to find more and more people who are positive. The focus for us now is to continue to work with the smittspårning, in accordance with our procedures, and, thus, to reduce the risk of further falls, “ says Follin, county medical officer for communicable disease control Stockholm, sweden.

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From left to right: Per Follin, physicians, and Elda Sparrelid, chief medical officer, region Stockholm, sweden, at a press conference last week. Photo credit: Jonas Grönvik/TT
based in Jönköping, sweden, has been diagnosed with covid-19. She has been ill, in the west of Sweden and the Stockholm region in the north of Italy, and then returned to the uk from 24 February. The woman is related to you, who in the past have suffered.

the Woman, have been held in quarantine since her return from Italy, and smittskyddet in Jönköping, sweden does not believe that she has been in contact with many people.

“ It was a private trip, but it was determined that they were not infectious during the return journey, we had no suspicion that there must have been some contamination on the return journey, said an assistant county medical officer, David Edenvik to the ROTOR.

On Tuesday morning, confirmed also in the region of Skåne, sweden, that a person has been infected. The case is the first in the south of sweden. As well as in the new cases, the outbreak has been in northern Italy.

for people with hepatitis c in the Western Region indicate that the patients show relatively mild pathological effect. More and more of them are able to be cared for in isolation in their own homes, rather than having to be added at the infection clinic.

the REGION is now working to track down other people who may have been infected, a process which is also underway in The county.

“ We’re doing a smittspårningsarbete, and the most of any contacts they have had the has been informed and is advised to be careful. We believe that it’s been a very, very small kontaktkrets, who may have been exposed to the disease, since these individuals have been known to carry the infection, “ said David Edenvik.

am feeling , according to David Edenvik, under the circumstances, very well.

“ All of our cases, in light of the sick, and the last one is so light that she is staying at home and not need to be cared for in a hospital setting. I would like to make it clear that the infection does not need to be of a serious nature to the individual, but that it is often a matter of only mild respiratory symptoms, “ he says.

to find out more, we know about the new coronavirus.
