There is so much to say about the language researcher Lars Melins of the article, that the words are, paradoxically, almost doesn’t cut it for you, despite the fact that they, as White seems to be too many of them. Melins, the position that concepts such as, for example, the dwarf, the indian, the idiot, and the disability does not need to be replaced, is just as hair-raising as his statement also, that the new word will not be able to change the negative circumstances, or ”to conceal either the real world or to the feelings of that reality provokes.”

That is, if reality is unchanging, and the feelings, of a law of nature. That is the reality of living with a disability has been left out by the story. That is, if the value of a person seated in the eyes of the beholder.

the Words shall be charged of his own time, as society developed, they also need to be renewed or replaced. Persons with a mobility impairment is referred is no longer disabled people, of to be called the eco (without any power), or the word invalid (no value), and therefore, to all the people of the world we live in, has the same value. If anything, this is a law of nature, that the language is in a constant state of change, no matter what the språkpoliser, activists, or conservatives, also said.

the language should have a separate political force, wants the White, not seem to. When the Swedish disability federation and changed its name to the Funktionsrätt the year 2017, and, thus, contributed to the nyordet funktionsrätt to the English language, as it was in order to relax the function of the protection of human rights, the united nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. Therefore, we wanted to give more weight to our intressepolitiska of the work, and the creation of egenkraft for the people who are living with a disability.

“ from a weak, passive, and need – to-rättighetsbärare, with the same rights as everyone else. If welfare is not a matter of charity, but of rights. So, we want to encourage the trend towards a society for all, human diversity is viewed as enrichment and not as a burden.

today, talk to our government about the funktionsrättspolitik, and whether the person with the disability, rather than disabled people. The concept of universal design is referred to as a feasible path to an inclusive society where everyone is able to live on as equal terms as possible. The purpose of our change of name was therefore not, as White argues, to gloss over or disguise the existing reality. The reality is, to alter the perception of the people about the economy, as well as the function, which is a prerequisite for a full life of equal value.

and Then it is up to each one of us to define any of the words in a style that best suits the best. However, those who refer to other people in their work, in business, in politics and in science, of course, to express themselves in a respectful manner, and with the equal value of all people in mind.

Funktionsrätt Sweden and look forward to continuing and enriching the conversation about the meanings of words.
