
Michael Mittermeier, the renowned comedian, is set to bring laughter to Dresden in 2025 with his latest show „Flashback – Die Rückkehr der Zukunft.“ After nearly four decades of touring with his comedy acts, Mittermeier is venturing into uncharted territory by exploring the future. The question arises: how does one travel to the future? While in the 80s one could simply drive there, the methods have evolved. Are time travel even possible? Yes, indeed! Mittermeier found the solution hidden in his family history. His great-grandfather, a Bavarian inventor, had built a time machine over a century ago. Despite lying dormant in his grandparents‘ basement for years, believed to be a prototype for a solar heater, the time machine was merely lacking power. Now, with a fully charged battery, the journey can commence in 2024, fueled by comedy and humor.

However, Mittermeier prefers not to embark on this adventure alone and invites the audience to join him on this comedic journey to the future, all while sporting transitional jackets. And while they’re at it, why not take a trip to the past as well? Laughter is the key, no matter the era. So, together, let’s laugh our way through time.

The show promises an interactive experience, with audience participation and singing along encouraged. Please note that there may be some obstructions due to TV recordings, as the event will be captured for broadcast. By attending the event, you agree to transfer all image and sound rights to the organizer and MDR for any recordings made during the show.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join Michael Mittermeier on a comedic journey through time in Dresden in 2025. Tickets are now available for purchase, so secure your spot for an unforgettable evening of laughter and entertainment.