As things now stand, it is possible to achieve the Nollvisionens the milestones of the road, which means a maximum of 220 fatalities in 2020, but it will take a continued effort from all stakeholders, including government agencies, ngos, and individual road users, “ says Jonas Bjelfvenstam, director general of the Swedish transport agency, in a news release.

this is a much lower rate than that in 2018, the year’s high of 324 of to kill, which is a substantial increase compared to the previous year. In particular, it is the number of single vehicle accidents, which has decreased.
the Link for the graphic

the number of injured from road traffic accidents has been reduced over a period of time. In 2010 the injured 2.888 people in traffic as compared to 1.899 in 2019.

the Swedish transport agency started to measure the number of injuries and deaths in 1950, but the first since 2010, excluding suicide, which is why the figures before then are not directly comparable.

road tracks, sea and air transport together, killed 366 people in 2019. In the tracks of the lake, and the luftfartstrafiken is, however, the numbers are slightly higher than in 2019. The numbers of the dead in the light commercial vehicles in 2019, at 23, has more than doubled compared to the previous year.
